1 year later...present time..

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The whole night just played in front of her eyes as she remembered each and every thing she felt that night !

And now he was sitting in front of her asking about the pearl earrings, wanting to know why she still had them, if she remembered them ?! "As if i could forget ???? Its not me Ramo, its you !

I will not let your ego win this time, yes i had them, yes i never forgot when you bought these for me, i have every word you ever said stamped on my heart, every kiss every touch still fresh in my memory, but i will never allow you to know that.

You left me homeless that night, in the cold world out there, so that's what you will get from me- coldness.

The fire that still burns my heart , the love that surrounds  me will never make your soul warm again now.

I cannot stop loving you, its not in my control , but i won't let you know about that love or how it still exists , that love remains the same as if you never betrayed me never hurt me like you never left me, you won't feel that now this is in my control !! 

You never reached out to me, so i will not allow my heart to radiate that love. You deprived me of being a mother, i will deprive you of myself...

My eyes won't reflect the love you crave to see.. i won't look at you.

My words won't convey the pain i feel ... i won't speak !

You never took the path that could bring you to me so now i will never let you reach my heart again..."

——- •••••••••••• —————

"You left me without thinking how i could live without you...

Did you think i will die ? You were right. I exist but i am not living Sibel...

Are you the same woman who loved me with her whole heart ??? And now not even an ounce of your old self remains !

It hurts to see the way you look at me but you are not looking...

How you are saying words but are  not speaking to me..

You really left me that day, didn't you Sibel... you left your clothes, your stuff, everything behind including yourself... when you left my house, our house, that Sibel had left too... we both have lost her !

Where do i find you Sibel ?? Where have you gone ??? Where has SHE gone ???? The one who would know how my heart is breaking right now.. the one who wouldn't even ask why did i come here, she would have known that i was here for her ! Just for her !

But why... why is my heart still hurting that you are so close to me now but still far away?

How i recognise you but i don't know you anymore...

How you are still my wife but you are not mine anymore...

Only if you knew Sibel all you have to do is say my Name, give me a hint, and i will hug you, i will take you to YOUR house, i will show you that even though you had left, i never let you go.. i never let go of you....


"Mr Ramazan, are you going to say something or do you think my office is a mediation centre ??? She was harsh..

The trance broke !

"No... no Mrs Ramazan Kaya... i was just leaving anyway.." he said mrs RAMAZAN kaya.. he really said that..

Her heart skipped a beat, the fact was she was still his wife, but why now ? Why now did he come to remind her of it ??? , she swallowed her tears and before he could say anything, the door opened and a very well dressed, good looking young man walked in and went straight to Sibel as if he knew her very well.

"Sibel, we were supposed to meet for a coffee to discuss the file you said, remember ?" He smiled as he gently touched her elbow. His friendliness burnt Ramo's heart, fists closes, jaw clenched, his face got red and before he decided to break this man's mouth for uttering his wife's name so frankly he, he asked in a very entitled tone " who is this gentleman Mrs K ?"

"Not that it concerns y...." she tried to say ...

Before she could finish the friendly man came forward to shake hands and introduced himself "I am Aliyar.. and you are Mr??"

"Ramazan" he ignored his hand, gave her a look and said "i will wait to hear from you Mrs K.. Enjoy your coffee as you have company now, i shall leave you to it i am sure you have plenty to talk about" he didn't stop after that"

She couldn't understand if she was angry at Ramo or Aliyar.

"Sorry .. i just got a bit busy with.."

"Who was he ??? Never seen someone walk in here like this .." Aliyar looked very intrigued..

"Nobody important.... can you wait outside please, let me freshen up and we will go drink that coffee somewhere else. I am done here for today"

"Yeah sure but you still look amazing so don't redo your make up" he laughed and left the room.

She needed some time to process what had just happened...



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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