Chapter 6

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He comes in, and when he does, I at once notice his resemblance to me. The same mousy hair, yet his is slicker, more defined. The same green eyes, but his have a more sadistic quality to them. As if he likes to hear children cry in the dead of night.
"N - no," I stammer. "That can't be right, I don't have a brother."
He steps closer than me, the sound of his shoes echoing through the small room.
'Yes, you do. If you want, I have the DNA tests to prove it. You're special, April. You and me? We're the first perfect genetically engineered human beings. The Daughters are... Imperfect. Their faults outweigh their strengths. And now, they've become a threat to the city."
I hardly hear what he says.
My hands tard through my hair, which is wet with sweat.
"No. No, please. Please, just let me go."  
I throw myself onto the floor at his feet, and he sneers as she stared down at me.
"I expected more, but I suppose I was wrong to think you could be my equal. Get up. This is real. This is happening. Now dust yourself off. I need to bring you in for a final test before you see Cascade."
He begins to walk towards the door, but I stand my ground.
"No. I want to go home. I don't want to deal with this shit."
He turns back to me and glares. Then he's at me like a flash of lighting, hand kn my throat, constructions my airway, as I'm held up to a wall. I try to speak, but I can barely make a sound.
His voice is low and dangerous as he speaks.
"Don't disrespect me. And don't disrespect Cascade. You will come with us, and you will not complain." 
He lets me go, and I fall to the ground, gasping and coughing, breathing in precious air. My throat is dry, and the only sounds coming from my mouth are half choked cries.
The man - my brother - begins to walk out the door, and I follow him. And then it comes. Another flashback, no warning whatsoever. And I see him. My brother, but younger. 
We're laughing and playing, but the room is sterile. It's not a standard American home. It's a white room filled with toys. There's a big, black screen on one of the walls, and my brother tells me not to look at it. He says that the people don't like it. When he leaves for the washroom, however, I stare at it. I think I can see people moving. I don't know why there would be people there. Why would they want to watch us play? Why would they want to watch small children?
Then the doctor comes, the same man as before. Tells me to get ready, that I'm going back in, and that I might not see my brother again. I don't want to go. I want to stay with my brother. I want to stay with him
​​I wake up in a white room, and there he is. The doctor, only he's older, and this time the man who calls himself my brother is standing beside him. 
"What happened?" My brother asks.
The doctor, Cascade, sighs.
"Memories resurfacing. I suppose I didn't erase them properly, however, it was an advanced craniectomy, and the technique wasn't perfect at the time." 
What the hell? Craniectomy? That means... That means they took out part of my brain and my memories along with them. What else am I forgetting? What else do I know? Is this why the Daughters in Red wanted me? 

lol sorry for the wait, I was just feeling super uninspired lately. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!
- Rory 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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