Dark Hours

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"UP!UP!UP!" The smallest and youngest girl of the Lake family ran to her big brothers room, pulling on the sheets with such force "WAKE UP!"

Jim groans, rolling over after seeing the time, sinking into the bed more "For god sake (Y/N), it's 4 in the morning!"

By now it was odd that, for yelling half of the time, Barbera never woke up.It was like she knew it was her little girl so she slept it off.Pouting you didn't give up and know what you did?You pour some freezing cold water all over his face.

"WHY?!" Jim was basically shivering now, his cloths soak to the bone "WHY YOU DO THAT-?!"

"It's 5 in the morning!" You show him his phone, pointing at the time change "Nevermind!It's 6 now!"

Jim was confuse.They went up an hour, already?When was this?Usually Toby tells him stuff like this or his mom would...

Getting up finally he rubs his neck, popping some joints, then stretched before looking down at his little sister, standing there "Soooo.....bacon and eggs-?"


And just like that you became flash and zoom out of there, Jim was left behind.

He snorts "Weirdo." then gets dressed for the day, possibly a warm shower frist after what you did.

But he stops.Looking over to his desk he sees the amulet glow a bright blue..

He knew little of it but to see it glow now, in daylight time, it could mean something is coming.And it ain't friendly.

-Now a time skip to after school-

Sitting down you held a long stick and 'drew' a human...it looked like a potato with stick legs..

You knew that your school was farther away from where your big brother is, so it means you will be staying there longer.

Looking up you see where the sun was at, causing you to frown "Did big brother forget about me?"

Waiting a little longer it got slightly more darker...

You had to walk home this time, he ain't coming.

Picking up your stuff, which was a backpack and jacket, you walk your way home.Oh, once down a block from your school you see a weird thing flip over a car.In your mind you thought it was so cool but when it was being mean to your sibling you didn't realize you made yourself noticeable to it.

And let me tell you, it didn't look happy.

"(Y/N)?" Toby just got on his bike, knowing that voice was fimialer, his face paled as Jim was peddling to your rescue "OH MY GOSH (Y/N) RUN!!!"

You didn't run.You just stood there.The thing ran like a wild gorilla towards you, which anyone would be scared of, but you didn't feel that way.All you felt was your slow calm heart beat.I guess by your odd reaction the thing didn't tackle you down but slam its large fist into the road.Creating big cracks and holes to fix later.

"Why are you not running?!Screaming and begging for your life?!" It spat all over your face, you rub it off with your sleeves quickly.

You tilt your head at it "Should I run?" you could see it getting confused itself, soon continuing "My legs are a little tired right now.."

It stared you down, scanning you from head to toe, basically locking it up in it's mind.It seems you were doing the exact same....until you got picked up by your big bro within seconds and now pedal away for your guys lives.

That seemed to do the trick cause now the thing was following all y'all, almost all over town at that.

"(Y/N) tuck in your knees!" You did as he told you, soon he was bicycling through a VERY narrow crack between buildings "Toby come on!"

"I won't fit!"

"Your on a diet remember?Come on Tobes!Hurry!!"

Not long after Jim made it to the other side, turning around in time to see Toby slowly making his way through.It was bearly though.The thing clawed between the cracks but couldn't get him, so that kinda means all of y'all are now safe.

You watch both boys breath in large breaths, yet your over here confused on why they are getting chased.

"(Y/N) I told you to waite for me-!"

"I know." You look down at your feet, feeling kinda guilty by it "But it was getting dark.."

Toby gets up, staring you down "What I really wanna know is what happened between you and that thing?"

You were raised not to speak of others business so you shrugged your shoulders.

"Master Jim!Thank goodness your alive!"

You turn to see.....another one, no, two?But with more eyes??

Jim, Toby, and the two things talk back and forth.Getting off the bicycle you waddle around from one place to another.Wow.It was REALLY dark now!Mommy must be worried..






Confuse you turn to see a glimpse of a shadowy figure, running full speed.....it was that thing from earlier.

Smiling you wave at it "Hi-!"

The thing could have come and killed your big brother, Toby too.But what did it do?Instead of attacking it picked you up and bolted.

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