CONFESSION #8.5- You belong with me

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CONFESSION #8.5- You belong with me

Valentine's day.

That one day when girls measure their self worth by the number of flowers and chocolates they receive. Sorry to be overly bitter but its this time of the year that every single one of my single and in a relationship friends receive those items. Yes, every single one of them.

And never me.

Which proves the fact that I'm usually the girl everybody likes but nobody loves.

Sad truth.

So I satisfy myself by buying my own chocolates (I can't eat flowers so why bother?) and spend the day sugar overloading. Yep, its not healthy I know but its one of those days that I'm feeling overly bitter and sad and confused and under-appreciated to make the long story short, let's call it my mixed emotions phase so to cheer myself up, I buy my own chocolates, pizza, ice cream and spend the day rolling in my bed.

Yes. Its just me, myself and I for one whole freakin day.

Well, that was what I used to do. This is the first February 14th that I'm gonna spend away from home and I'm so blessed that its gonna be out of the country. Yep, I just checked in to my flight going to Manila and I'm hoping its not delayed coz I wanna see Tokyo fast.

A little update on what happened on my contract signing. Mr. Locsin first collected my pre- employment requirements before he gave me the contract and upon reading it, I learned that my employer is gonna be Atrium Records. Guessing from its name, its a music company and I'm gonna be a recording artist's PA. I'm mostly gonna be assigned to "handle some of the day-to-day chores related to their personal and/or business lives" PLUS "any other duties at the appropriate level of responsibility, whether specifically contained in the job description or not, which is consistent with your employment and is reasonable in all the circumstances having regard to the company's personal needs, your experience, abilities and aptitudes, and all other relevant matters."

Pretty normal stuffs a PA is expected to do.

But what's eating my curiousity is what my company is all about so when I arrived at home I immediately googled Atrium Records and this is what I found. Its a US-based company that was founded in the 1940's by blablabla person, blablabla not intriguing stuffs, etc etc etc. Let's skip unnecessary details shall we? Here's the most interesting details about them though.

The company is currently under negotiations for a merger with a bigger recording company. They are also the first international record label to sign a deal with a Filipino-American band- The Pad Jacks or PJ for short. For those not familiar with Filipino language, we have a word here 'padyak' (pronunciation: pad jack) and its a cycle rickshaw which is a small-scale local means of transport. As opposed to the normal rickshaws which are pulled by a person on foot, cycle rickshaws are human-powered by pedaling. So in a way 'padyak' is a symbol of how hardworking Filipinos are. Kinda cheesy if you know the story behind band name but hey, that's my fellow Filipinos and at least its got a sensible explanation. Anyways, the company also recently signed the deal to distribute various upcoming artists like We're the Heroes, Ashes of our Sins, and The Red Harbour (I love their song Runaway. I heard them in Soundcloud) and what the fudge...

Code Red.

They bloody record, reproduce and distribute Code Red songs and band merchandise.

And I'm bloody working for them, not Code Red per se but their company, for the next three months.

Can this be love, ahem I meant, destiny?



I spent the next three hours (two hours waiting time and another one hour travel time to Manila) imagining things that could possibly happen if ever I'm assigned to Code Red:

- use their accounts to follow back my twitter

- have a fan sign

- get their contact numbers

- get some of their personal stuffs unnoticed

- pizza party with Code Red

- have them teach me how to play LOL and Minecraft and musical instruments

- teach them how to stalk people online (lol)

- help them write songs

- sleep with them (kiddin) I meant, sleep near them

- take selfies

- wear Adrian's shirts when I go to sleep

- eat the food Adrian cooks

- play tennis with him

- touch his abs

- watch movies with him

- go on dates with him

- hold hands with him

- meet his parents

- see his smile

- be the reason behind his smile

So.. I have somehow shifted from doing stuffs with the lads as a group to just Adrian and me.

All of that are just wishful thinking.

Anyways, I'm now on my way to Narita and when I arrive there, I still need to travel another one hour or so to Tokyo. I don't want to waste my time anymore so I'm gonna go and take a nap now.

Yeah right. I'm gonna sleep for four hours and I have the audacity to call it a nap. I hope I have a good dream about Code Red.

I meant a dream about Adrian.

And me.


Like 'in a relationship' kind of together.

Screw his other angel.

I'm the only Angel he's gonna need.


Hai! this one's a filler chapter.Supposedly, this was a part of confession#9 but since it was valentine's day a few days ago I wanted to make a separate chapter about it. Next up is the chapter when she's arriving at Narita and meeting her 'boss'.

Who could that be?

Hope u enjoyed this one and don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

PS. the bands I mentioned in the story are real life bands (except for Pad Jacks lol). Do check them out (I loveeeeee The Red Harbour's Runaway).

heart heart,


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