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"Thank you so much sir! This'll be enough to feed my whole family!" the market woman smiled at the cloaked man giving her lots of gold, the woman thanked her so much while the man smiled.

"You're welcome miss. I'll help you as much as I can and maybe help other people you know." The woman smiled hearing that,

"You are such a nice man! The world needs more people like you." The man made small chuckles at that but as he was about to say another nice thing, shouts of the guardsmen were heard.

"There he is! Catch him!" The guards yelled and ran after the cloaked man while he ran away after giving the woman one last gold coin and saying goodbye to her.

The man ran as fast as he could, dodging people, dodging merchants, and dodging all that other stuff but there were plenty of guards and they were much faster than him.

The man got stuck in an alleyway as the guards cornered him. He panicked trying to find a way out but they already caught him, the guards removed his hood revealing the prince's face.

"You are being taken to the King, Prince America."


"You stupid brat! Thinking of going out there again! You could have been killed or taken!" Britain yelled at America at the top of his lungs out of anger whilst America stood there, taking everything that his so-called 'father' was yelling at him with.

"So?! Why were you going out there again! It better not be because you wanted to have 'fun' you have duties here as a prince!"

America was silent knowing that if he tried to think of a much different reason than that. He opened his mouth for a second but closed it, which made Britain mad since he apparently needed to know what his excuse was

"WHAT IS IT?! TELL ME NOW YOU BRAT!" Britain yelled more and lectured more onto the American to the point he gave him the harshest slap that he ever gave him in his whole life which gave an echo throughout the castle corridors. America endured the pain as he stared up into his father.

"Go to your room. I don't want to see you until dinner." Britain shooed him away while America walked to his room. France slowly walked over to her husband and put her hand onto her husband's shoulder

"Wasn't that too harsh for him, love..?" She asked, worried for her own son. "He needs to learn, dear." Britain sighed as he sat back down onto his throne while France did the same.

America walked back to the room, mumbling language about his father.

He sat down on his bed and covered his face with his hands as his yells were slightly muffled from his hands, while he was doing that Canada knocked on his door and asked "May I come in brother..?" America sighed as he took his hands off of his face and laid back onto his bed and then answered his brother. "Yes you may,"

Canada walked inside and sat beside his brother with a sigh, "So...got in trouble again?" Canada questioned his brother while America nodded at that, Canada hummed as he looked around the room and the stuff that his brother had and saw his other siblings playing around in the garden, smiling at that and looked at America.

"Hey, would you like to play with Aussie and Kiwi?" America looked at his brother when he asked him that, he replied by shaking his head and saying "Not in the mood right now. But I'll probably come later, you can go."

Canada gave his brother a nod but before he left he hugged him, America smiled at the hug and hugged him back.

After Canada left America stood up and looked around the stuff he had in his room and was either playing with it or actually doing the stuff like how it was made for.

He grabbed a romantic like book and started to read it, until then he got interested in it and lost time but he decided to stop reading halfway and take a stroll in the corridors of the huge castle that he lived in, every maid and butler that he passed by he would say hi and give a gentle smile while walking his way to the garden to play with his brothers.

He walked his way out of the castle and saw his brothers in the garden, playing a little game of tag as he stopped and took a smell of the flowers and air, it smelt very nice as the breeze of the wind made it better. New Zealand had spotted their eldest brother and ran to him, poking his stomach "Tag you're it!" New Zealand giggled before running away.

America laughed and started to run after New Zealand and his brothers to try and tag one of them. This made America forget about what just happened today with him and his father.

As the day went by the sun started to set in which they had to go back inside and prepare for their dinner like always, Britain and France were first at the table, then Canada, Then Australia, Then New Zealand, and lastly America.

They were all suited nicely just for Britain's expectations which made him smile at how the dining room looked whilst the butlers and maids set the food on the table for them, each by each.

Once all the food was set down a butler lit up the four candle thing to tell them food is ready, once that was put they all dug into the food but it was very silent. Perhaps too quiet? So Canada tried to strike up a conversation, "So..Anything exciting happen today to anyone?" America was about to say something but Britain had glared at him, not wanting him to talk about how he escaped the castle walls into the kingdom village.

So America kept quiet and continued to eat food, "Oh! I found a cute dog today!" Australia told them as France smiled "That's nice sweetie, but remember we can't keep rabid wild animals," She still gave Australia a smile but just continued to eat.

The table was in silence now but America didn't like it so he just disregarded what Britain's face told him so he just decided to tell everyone, "I gave a female Merchant some gold to provide for her poor family."

They all looked at him while Britain gripped the utensil he was using "So you were outside?" New Zealand asked, being intrigued. "How was it?! Was it cool?" Australia asked America too as he smiled, he was about to reply before Britain interrupted "America told me that it isn't nice outside and the 'poor' woman scammed him so he isn't going outside anymore."

That made America slightly furious while France and Canada remained silent.

"That is not what I said father-"

"Indeed it was, that was the exact same words you told me."

"She didn't scam me!"

"Don't raise your voice at me young man when I am the one right about everything."

"No you are not! Stop lying to them!"

"I. Am. Not. Lying. Now continue eating like none of this happen-"



America got silent from Britain's yell, as he glared at his father. His siblings and Mother sat there between the tense moments of Britain and America, while America just sighed and pushed his food away and left the dining room. Britain ignored it and continued eating while Canada quickly finished eating and left to go to his room to sleep away to avoid conflict between their family.

America flopped onto his bed and punched his pillow and yelled at it. He then started crying and talking to himself about how bad Britain was and how he wished that he didn't live in such a place. Eventually he cried himself asleep.


Edit: spell check and paragraph change

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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