Surprise (A Larry Stylinson One-Shot)

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**DISCLAIMER** I do NOT own Harry Styles or Louis Tomlinson (as much as I wish I did). Their rights belong SOLEY to them. I do not claim ownership. This is purely for fun and entertainment ONLY. Events are purely coincidental. If there is another story like this out there, I am unaware of it. I don't have time to read EVERY SINGLE Larry Stylinson story on the internet. Please don't sue me; I'm just a broke college student.

I guess this could be considered a kinda-sequel to "The Beach." It takes place in the same location some time after the events of "The Beach" so...enjoy!


Harry had driven up to his mum & stepfather’s beach house that morning. He was waiting for Louis to arrive, and Harry was definitely a busy boy all day. He’d wanted everything to be perfect for when Louis got there. He took a shower, changed into his dressiest clothes, and started preparing everything for that evening when Louis got there. He set a fold-up table on the flattest part of the beach, setting a vase with a couple roses in it and a couple candles. He then lit some more candles along the beach, further up the shore so that the waves wouldn’t crash in and put them out. He then went inside and started cooking dinner: filet mignons with mixed vegetables.

Harry couldn’t believe how well he timed everything. He no sooner had dinner ready, putting the meal onto plates, when he saw headlights coming up the road toward the house. He grinned, quickly going out and placing the plates on the table outside. By now, the sun had set almost completely, casting a beautiful pink-orange glow over the beach. Harry figured, by the time they were done eating, it would be totally dark, and they would have to rely on the candles and moonlight to see. Harry didn’t mind; it would make what he wanted to do even more romantic.

Louis’ car pulled up, and Harry ran toward it. He scooped Louis up in his arms, spinning him around. Louis giggled, hugging Harry tightly.

“I swear, Hazza,” he whispered in his ear, giggling. “You are seriously stronger than what you look.”

“You’re just figuring that out now?” Harry asked, smirking as he pulled back to look in Louis’ eyes. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” Louis said. “Now, why did you ask me all the way out here?”

Harry shrugged, smirking. “Well....this place holds a lot of memories for us. I hope you know what today is, BooBear.”

“Of course,” Louis said. “It’s our two-year anniversary.”

“Um-hum,” Harry hummed, resting his hands on Louis’ waist. “I have something for you. Follow me.”

Harry threaded his fingers with Louis’, and led him over to the table where the meal was waiting. Louis’ jaw dropped, his lips forming a smile. “Harry!”

Harry grinned. “Happy anniversary, love.”

Harry pulled Louis’ chair out for him and Louis sat. “Always the gentleman, Styles.”

Harry grinned cheekily. “Well...only for you, Louis.”

Harry and Louis ate their meal as they looked out at the ocean, which was tinted pink with the last of the setting sun. The waves were calmly crashing against the shore below them. Harry grinned out at the ocean, his mind racing with what he was about to do. He wasn’t able to eat too much; he was feeling a bit nervous. Louis, however, ate almost feverishly. “So good, Hazza,” he would say again and again as he devoured the food. “Such a good cook. You’re gonna make me fat.”

“Even fat, you’ll still be beautiful,” Harry had said to him, and Louis grinned huge, blushing.

When the meal was complete, the sky was almost completely dark, just as Harry predicted. The candles on the table and along the shore provided enough light, and Harry took a few deep breaths. “Lou? C’mere a minute.”

Harry got up, beckoning for Louis to follow. Louis, puzzled, got up and followed him. Harry took him to another part of the beach where he’d laid the ultimate surprise: There were more candles in the shape of a heart, and roses spelling out Louis’ name. It was a more secluded part of the beach, which is why Harry chose this location. He didn’t want Louis to see this right off; it may have ruined the biggest surprise of all.

“Harry...” Louis said, breathlessly. “What...what is all this for?”

“Louis William Tomlinson,” Harry began, taking a deep breath. “I love you so much. I’ve never loved another human being as much as I love you. I never will, I don’t think. I’ve never felt this way about any guy–or girl. You’re the blood that flows through my veins, the life that runs through me, my heart, my soul, my entire being. You’re my best friend, and I honestly couldn’t ask for anyone better in my life. You complete me and you’ve shown me so many things I never thought I could see. We’ve laughed together, we’ve seen each other fall, we’ve been each other’s rock when things got rough. I know, in my heart, we’ll always have that. You’ve made me the happiest man alive, and that will never change.”

With that, Harry reached into the pocket of his pants, pulling out a small box. He got down on one knee, popping the lid of the box. A pure gold, diamond-cut band was inside, and a tear slid down Louis’ cheek as he covered his mouth with his hand. “Louis William Tomlinson....will you marry me?”

Another tear spilled down Louis cheek as he nodded rapidly. “Yes, Harry. Yes!”

Harry’s grin threatened to split his face in half. He took the ring out of the box, slipping it onto Louis’ ring finger. He kissed it, then took Louis into his arms, holding him tight. Louis was crying happily on Harry’s shoulder.

“I’m so glad you asked me,” Louis whispered, sniffling. “Even one really approves of us. I’m so glad, Hazza.”

“Me, too,” Harry said. “I don’t care that not everyone approves of us. I love you and that’s all that matters to me. You’re going to make such a great husband, BooBear. You seriously made me the happiest man alive right now.”

Louis chuckled, wiping his face on Harry’s shirt as he looked Harry in the eyes. “You’re gonna be an amazing husband, Harry. I can’t wait until that day.”

“Me neither, Boo,” Harry whispered. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Louis whispered.

They shared a passionate kiss as the waves washed in over their feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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