Sunshine and Rainbows?

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The Inhumans of Atilan had finished building a new protective dome, so no one could see them, seeing as Maximus destroyed their last one and their previous home, months ago. They have moved to Earth now and Atilan has been made even better than before. Almost everyone is treated as equals except for the royal family but they weren't treated much higher they just made the important decisions and stuff that others couldn't.

"What do you mean?" Gorgon asked.
"If we are to live here in peace, you can't just go out and steal. Do you understand?"  Karnak explained.
"Yes..." Gorgon sighed, defeated.
BlackBolt signed something to them which Medusa then translated, "If we are to have peace that also means balance... living in the kingdom is a crucial part of our lives, both because we are the royal family and this is our kingdom as well as the protection we have here. But... we need the ability to go outside into the wilderness, into nature! That we didn't have on the moon... Now we have that, after years of living on the moon, we have the nature, the water, the grass, and trees. We can't mess this up... So don't go out stealing from people again, and none of the citizens here should either." She concluded.
Gorgon nodded his head and said, "Yes, my king," looking at the ground.
"Don't be ashamed, this is the first time we've told you and you know not to do it again."
"Of course."
"Come on, let's go put it back before someone realizes it's missing," Karnak said.
He and Gorgon were about to go back out to return it when Crystal said, "How about we all go?"
Everyone looked at her like she'd grown another head.
"We haven't been outside in ages how about we get normal person clothes and go outside?" Crystal explained.
"Why 'normal person clothes'?" Gorgon asked.
"If we run into people we can't look like this, as evidence from last time, what we wear isn't normal." Medusa pointed out.
'So we're all on board?' BlackBolt signed, which Medusa then translated to everyone.
"Yes" filled the room. They all went to their respective rooms each putting on their 'normal people' clothes they got from their human friends.

When they got out this is what they were wearing



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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