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Her feet crashed in the undergrowth as she frantically ran, not caring about the branches tangling up her hair or her arms scratching against the rough tree barks, producing fine red streaks down them. Her hands were clammy with sweat and fear; heart was punding with every beat; very often she would stumble and crash into trees , adding to a huge racket that she had created while she stepped on the dry leaves and twigs ; they had crackled with every step on them.

She knew They were catching up to her. She could hear Their footsteps getting nearer and nearer as they silently dashed through the forest to get to her. She knew she had to keep on going, but how far would she have to go before They gave up? How would she be able to stay alive to warn her younger sister, Wilda , about everything when They showed no signs of letting her live?

She had seen too much, that was a given fact. She had tried to infiltrate Them by joining Their group , and had not realised they had been playing her the whole time. Her eyes filled with tears, knowing that she had once been a part of them, and now they were going to kill her for seeing too much. Just like poor Cleo Lainey . Both of them were threats they had to get rid off.

Then, without warning, both of her legs turned alarmingly shaky and she suddenly collapsed onto the ground. The dry leaves and twigs crackled and snapped noisily underneath her as she lay, panting. She tried to get up, but her legs were too weak from running so much that they could not bear her entire weight and she collapsed again. Before she knew it, shadows loomed over her. Rough and calloused hands lifted her violently off the ground. She struggled fruitlessly, knowing her end was near. One of Them had forcefully yanked her arms behind her back and pressed her close to Him to prevent her from escaping. She tried blinking the tears out of her eyes as He nodded at another figure of Them. Her sight was blurry, but she still managed to see the other figure pulling out a metal L-shaped object. A gun, her brain dimly realised. She heard the safety catch being released.

The figure cocked the gun at her. 

I love you Wilda, she thought, a small smile appearing on her face. And I will protect you till the end. You are the key to everything.

The gun went off.

She slid to the ground as the figure released her; a whisper of contentment escaped her lips. Dark red blood was already pooling on her t-shirt right over her heart.

As quietly as They had come, They noiselessly went back to their hideout, leaving the body of Lucie Gwen on the floor to rot. 

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