Chapter 1

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Louis's POV

"C'mon Louis! We need to go!" Zayn yells as he places his last suitcase in his car's boot. "Okay, I'm on my way," I reply quietly.

"Aren't you excited that we're moving in together?" Zayn asks me with an expectant look. I decide to just smile and nod instead of speaking because I can't trust my voice right now. This is the first time since 9th grade that I'll be away from my family for a long time. Although, last time I was only away from them for a week.

I went on a trip with Harry and his family. He used to be my best friend, but after I confessed my feelings to him... after I told him that I was in love with him, he started to hate me. Shortly after that happened, he moved away. So I became friends with one of his other best mates, Zayn Malik. I never really had any other friends except for Harry. Everyone knows about my sexuality, so I'm guessing that's why they're ignoring my existence. However, Harry was very accepting when I came out to him.

12 June 2018 [Age 16]

Harry and I are currently sitting in his backyard on the swing bench. I've got some huge news to tell him, but I'm afraid he'll just laugh at me. Or maybe he won't accept me?  What if he's homoph-

"What's up Lou? You look worried," Harry says calmly, flashing me a smile. I really like his smile, it lights up my world. Whenever he smiles at me, I can't help but return the gesture, but my smile isn't as perfect as his.

"Haz," I start, placing my hands in his," I don't know how you're going to take this... I don't know if you'll hate me if you'll accept me, laugh at me, or-" he cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

"Boobear, I could never hate you. You're my best friend. If this is important to you, it is to me too. I won't laugh at you. I promise, okay?" he says as he gently kisses one of my hands. I don't understand what kind of effect Harry has on me. He always manages to make everything much better, even this.

"H- Hazz... I'm g- gay," I manage to say, but unfortunately stutter. Harry just stares at me with wide eyes before speaking.

"W- wow Lou! Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. You're so strong... I don't know if I would've been able to do that... well, considering that my father is a homophobe."

"Wait, Des is a homophobe?" I ask, my heart feeling as if it just sunk to the bottom of my body.

"Yeah, Boobear, but don't worry about him, I love you just the way you are," Harry says with a toothy smile.

Oh, that smile.

"Louis! Louis! Lewis! Are you even listening?" Zayn asks with a furrowed brow and a light chuckle.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something," I reply sheepishly.

"Okay. I was asking if you're excited to see our new place! Maybe there'll be some hot girls there... or guys for you," he says with a smirk.

Zayn has always been extremely kind, sassy, yeah. But kind. He was there for me with open arms after Harry left. We have daily cuddle sessions, and he's the only one who understands me. See, I have this condition... my mental health started getting worse after Harry left, but that's a story for another time.


"We're here!" Zayn announces really loudly as he pulls up to a house, which I assume is ours. Well, obviously it is, because who else's would it be?

"I say you go meet the neighbors first, while I unload my car. The moving truck won't be here for another few hours, so go ahead and socialize, Tomlinson," he says to me, but I immediately shake my head frantically.

"I- I can't! At least not alone, please come with me. Please, please, pleaseeee," I practically beg him.

But he just shakes his head and says, "Now Louis, this is a new beginning. A start to our new college lives. I know it's hard for you, but please try... for me?" Zayn asks with puppy eyes. He knows I can't say no to him whenever he looks at me like that, so I just roll my eyes and reply, "Fine," with a huff.

"Good boy!" he says with a cheeky smile while ruffling my hair. That's one of the things that I'll never understand about this Bradford boy. He doesn't like when anyone touches his hair, but he occasionally messes mine up.

I decide to go to the house that's left to us first. Number 28.

I lift my hand to knock, but then I start to panic. Why is this so hard? I'm so nervous. I used to be an extrovert, a people person, the fact that I'm gay didn't change that though. Harry did.

I finally build up the courage to knock, and almost instantly a quite handsome lad opens the door.

"'Ello! What can I do for you?" he asks with a bright smile and an Irish accent.

"Oh w- well. I just came to i- introduce myself. I- I'm one of your new neighbors," I reply and attempt to smile back at him.

"Oh, nice to meet you! I'm Niall. C'mon in..." he trails off, "Louis," I finish for him. "C'mon in, Louis. I'll introduce you to the rest of this house's residents, and people who basically live here, because they're over here 24/7."

"Okay, so, Louis this is Liam, he lives here, Lexi and Gigi, they think they live here, and-" I cut him off before he could say the last person's name.

"Harry," I say in disbelief, my mouth hanging open a little.

"Louis..." he answers, trying to avert my gaze.

"Wait. You two know each other?" the boy named Liam asks.

"Yeah, we used to be best friends," I answer before Harry can say anything.

Everyone's gaze turns to the curly-headed boy before I speak up again, "Well I'm going to go now. It was nice meeting you all, and surprising to see you, H."

"It was nice meeting you too, love" Gigi responds with a warm smile before saying, "You and your friend or friends should join us for dinner later!"

"I'd love to, but we have a lot of unpacking to do," I say with a sad expression. They seem nice, but I can't just let Harry into my life just like that again. I can't face him now, and I don't want to have the conversation that will need to be had in the near future.

"Aw, that's okay. Maybe another time?" she asks, and I just nod in response before heading back to Zayn.


Author's note:

This is my first actual Wattpad story, so if you're reading this... HI AND THANK YOU.

Idk what this chapter was, but hopefully, it'll get better soon...

Best comments get dedications btw! :))


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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