Chapter 1

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Your POV

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there", you say to the person you bumped into in the road.

"I am just super excited like everyone to meet blackpink hope I get there signatures and pictures I love them so much." You say squeezing your eyes and  nearly putting a squeel to your tone.
"Its okay. You really don't know who they are right", she says over the loud noise from all the fans around you two.

You cringe, sigh and finally admit the truth. "No I don't."

"Then why are you running after their car?" She asks you, a frown forming on her pretty face.

"Oh! I wanna get their autographs and photos for my neice you see. She couldn't come cause she had a fever and I promised my brother, who is a single father, that I would help him out since he this important meeting at work today. She's a big 'blink'. Don't know what that even means! I don't wanna angry all the fans here by not smiling. I saw a girl being bullied by the fans for wearing a  shirt that had a hand with a V sign. They were calling her onces and that they dont belong here. I mean where did even come from. The shirt didnt say once. I literally said twice." You exasperate loosing your breath.

The girl with the blonde hair laughed. She looked of mixed heritage. Asian perhaps. But she spoke good english. So from a english speaking country maybe?

"OMG, you're funny. Come on I know how to speak korean. so I can help you get their attention, maybe."

She holds your arm and starts walking.

"Hey, you are going in the wrong direction. Its that way. The fans Re running that way." You say point with the finger of your free hand.
"Oh. I am going in the right way. Trust me." She said with laugh in her voice. You shrug and trust in her to do her thing. Not like you couldn't use the help.

She drags you down the road and towards a smaller road, near and alley.

" You are not a lesbian rapist or a serial killer are you?" You ask with fake wary and suspicion in you voice. Its not that its impossible but the possibilty of her being a cold blooded murderer who you cut bodies into pieces was unlikely.

She laughs and starts replying but you don't hear anything. You just look at the face and admire her.
She was skinny but in a too much way. She seemed perfect. At least to you, she did. The girl had a small waist and shapely legs that you could see her jeans outline. She had stawberry hair and a crop top. You could see slight flat abs peeking through her waistband. She had small slender shoulders and a long neck. The poutiest lips and a cute yet extremely beautiful face.

'Yes. She is beautiful', you think to yourself and realise that you nearly forgot the fact that she, who still had a tinnie winnie chance of being a murderer, stopped talking , and that you have entered an alleyway.

"Haha. Umm, where are we?" You say nervously.

"The back of their hotel." She says pulling you further. You hesitantly follow. 

"Back of whose hotel?" You say looking at the exits and turns if you need to run.

She stops, drops your arms. "Blackpink, Of course! I said I would help you get their signature didn't I." She said folding her arms.

"Wait. You know where they live? Are you a super creepy fan of theirs or an employee or something?" You ask, confused and not believing her completely.

"Or something." She says with sass. "Come on. Follow me. Trust me on this okay. I am not a murderer. I  hope to actually help you. I kinda like you." She said walking and gesturing with her hands for you to follow her.

You walk behind her dumbfounded and mumble, "i didnt think that you were a murder." Well, if maybe she ain't lying, they you might actually get their autographs and make a little girl very happy.

She scoffs and says, "Yeah, right. You should've seen your face when we entered the alley. You were as white as the whitest thing on the planet. Now common pretty-liar who doesnt actually know who blackpink is." Yep definitely someone from Australia or New Zealand. She had an accent. It sounded really good to your ears.

She opened the door to what appeared to be the back of a huge building and walked right through, expecting you to follow her.

"I swear to god if this is a trap." You whisper and  pray to god and enter the door and realised that you are in a huge kitchen.

There several people bustling around in different stations. All were dressed in white uniforms of cooks. Someone was shouting order, someone cursing.

Everything was clanging, banging and hissing. It smelled delicious in here.

You look at the girl and followed her faster, flustered with all the hustle bustle.

She looks at you and walks out of the kitchen and into a long high hallway. A long costly looking carpet was laid on the path. The atmosphere here was the heaven to the hell of the kitchen. It was filled with silence.

You caught up to the girl. "Wait where are we? I have never been to the back of a building I didn't live in before."

"All in good time, my friend." She says smiling.

"Atleast tell me you name." You lightly hold her elbow to stop her.

She looks you in the eyes, pauses for a second and says, "I am umm. I am Chaeyoung. Nice to meet you. Er"
"Its y/n. I guess, its nice to meet you too Chaeyoung."

She beams at you.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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