love letter

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you walked alongside tooru as he carried your bookbag to your next class.

it was the start of another day at school, and due to your broken leg, it made it nearly impossible for you to carry a heavy bag on your back. that gave your brother no choice but to help you, despite the argument you had the day prior. he had a scowl on his face as the two of you walked in silence. the only noise heard were the sounds of your crutches hitting the ground, making the situation a bit awkward.

you followed behind the brunette as he entered your homeroom in a hurry. and to no surprise, all eyes were on you, making your face heat up in embarrassment. you had never gotten this much attention before and it was slightly overwhelming—

"there." tooru muttered to you in annoyance, also bothered by the glares of your curious classmates as he sat your bag down on your desk, "anything else for you, master?"

"go away, tooru." you replied to his teasing words, which made him leave without any further remarks. you let out a sigh as you placed your crutches down next to your desk whilst sitting down in your chair,

"oikawa-san!" you looked up as your teacher called for you, "your leg, are you alright?"

"i'm okay." you replied nonchalantly while leaning back in your seat.

"miyazaki-san? will you help out oikawa-san for today? i assume she'll need help carrying her bag around..." your teacher shifted her gaze over to the blonde girl who sat in the corner of your class. your eyes widened.

ayaka glanced over at you hesitantly, her hands placed in her lap as she replied, "sure."

you let out an annoyed sigh at the sound of her agreeing. not that you'd expect any other response from her, but you couldn't help but be bothered, especially since you still haven't gotten over the conflict between the two of you. you weren't sure if you were ready to speak to her again, but it was bound to happen regardless.


"are you ready?" ayaka looked over at you, slinging your bookbag over her free shoulder. homeroom had just ended and you had math next. lucky enough, the two of you had the same class next period, so it wouldn't be much of a hassle to carry your stuff over.

"yeah.." you stood up, propping yourself upwards with the help of your metal crutches. with your words, the two of you began exiting the classroom.

there was an awkward silence before ayaka chose to break it, "let me guess—hanging out with kageyama-kun is the reason why you ended up like that."

"so what?" you retorted, making ayaka furrow her eyebrows downward in response,

"so what? you're probably gonna be like that, for like, six weeks. and he doesn't even give a shit, right?" ayaka laughed as she walked, "maybe if you weren't so boy crazy, you wouldn't have broken-"

"please. just shut the fuck up for once, ayaka." you cut her off, speaking your thoughts out loud, "its always negative coming from you, so just don't say anything. none of your business, anyways."

"whatever." ayaka retorted, and it was silent once again.

after a couple minutes, the two of you entered the math classroom and ayaka dropped your bag on top of your desk. you gave the girl a nod, "thanks."

"y/n?" ayaka spoke once more, unzipping her bag in front of you.


"some orange haired boy told me to give this to you at the skatepark last night." ayaka pulled out a white envelope from her bag, "he wanted you to only open it during lunch time, for some reason." she handed it over, in which you took it and examined it carefully;

' to; y/n oikawa
from; t '

you immediately recognized the handwriting and smiled down at it, "thanks, ayaka."



usually, during your lunch hour, you'd be facetiming kageyama in the girls bathroom. but obviously, after the events of last night, the case was different and that couldn't happen now. you had your phone clutched in your right hand and the white letter clutched in your left.

all morning, you found yourself rereading the words that were carefully written on top of the envelope, anticipating lunch time, where you'd actually be reading the contents inside. it was finally time, and you sat near the vending machines to open it. your crutches rested beside your feet as you tore the opening.


dear y/n,

i told shoyo to find a way to deliver this to you, so if you're reading this right now, just know it's all thanks to him. (he told me to write that.)

you know how we were talking about other ways to communicate? i know it seems kind of weird, but i thought letters would be a good idea. although, if you come up with anything else, you can tell me. but i knew you'd be lonely during lunch today, so this was the only way to keep you entertained. i think.

first of all i wanted to apologize for last night and how i left your house so fast. it was rude of me but i got scared. and that was my first kiss so it was pretty nerve racking. im also sorry if my lips were chapped. i'm also also sorry for any other inconvenience that it might've caused you. i dont know. ive been worried about it all night, honestly.


you took a second to laugh at his words before you continued reading. the fact that he cared so much was simply so adorable to you,


shoyo laughed at me when i told him. he said that he was pretty sure that i liked you. i never really thought about it until now, i guess. i don't know what liking someone feels like.

have you ever liked someone, y/n? i bet you have, and you're laughing at me for how inexperienced i sound. shoyo said its like a big rush of adrenaline in your heart that makes you all happy inside, which i found to be pretty weird because i feel that way whenever i'm skateboarding or playing volleyball. i also feel that way whenever i'm around you, too.

i'm sorry, i didn't mean for this to become a love letter or something like that. but i wanted to tell you everything i was thinking, i guess. anyways—how was your morning? what did you eat for breakfast? how was your english test? how are you and your brother doing?

i'm sorry if this wasn't long enough to keep you company for all of lunch. but have a good rest of your day, y/n.

- tobio kageyama.


although the letter was short and informal, it didn't fail to bring a smile to your face for the remainder of the day.


𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐒 k. tobio [✓]Where stories live. Discover now