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Hey y'all I got tagged!! I was tagged by _luckyss_

And here it goes:

1. A) I'm a multitasker, I can shower my baby sister, clean and vacuum the whole house, study for my school, read books, stay active on wattpad, go outside for skating or skateboarding and etc.

B) I look like I'm 18 years old and full grown (I'm SUPER tall) but I'm just only 13and I'm not beautiful at All.

2. Yes and No cause the person I like is Chat Noir and he's not even real.

3. No obvs.

4. I don't play any instrument.

5. I have maaannnyyy: Lya, Al's, Aali etc.

6. Idk.....Lying, backbiting...ooh and also jealousy.

7. umm kay

 umm kay

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8. My hair? no.. my nails? Idk both

9.  3 languages currently learning french..

10. Ok not my face... its ugly... Something else, this:

 Something else, this:

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That's it then...

Tag 15 people..kay









That's it can't think of anymore people anyways Love y'all

Lya over N out! <33

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