In 1965 a boy named Robert lived in Australia on a mountain in a big house. One day Robert was in his house in the park area. He suddenly saw his park fading away. Something was talking to him. He did not know what it was or who it was. But it told him to find a dog.
When he found the dog it was his pet dog. The dog told him to find a special purple shirt. The special purple shirt would make anyone fly when they put it on. Also if he stares at the shirt he could see the park and know what was happening to it. Also the dog told him if you touch the missing park stuff,it will go back to the park. The dog told him to find the side,pool,seasaw,and the trampoline. Then the dog told him to go to the ice cream shop to find the special purple shirt. When he got to the ice cream shop it turns into a magical mansion. The owner said "what do you want"? Robert said my dog told me to come here for a special purple shirt. The owner said here it is. Robert grabes it and walks out of the ice cream shop. As Robert was walking away he bumbled into a kid. The kid said "I am sorry," "I did not see you there". The boy said my name is James. James said I am a macial kid. I can turn into anything you want me to turn into. As Robert and James were walking something was following them. As they turn their back the thing was gone. They looked forward and saw something. James said that is a biralion. Robert said "WHAT"! A biralion is a with all kinds or birds inside and a lion inside the bird. Robert fights the mostern. Robert killed it and then it said "I will get you Robert you will see"! As they kept walking they saw a tree that turned into a mostern. But one tree has an opening to a special place where the park stuff is. As Robert killed the mostern tree, they found an opening and found all the park stuff. When Robert went to touch it then something stop him. It was the biralion. The biralion said "I told you I would get you". As Robert went after it and once again killed the biralion. Then Robert touch the park stuff.They got home by the special purple shirt. When they got home they went to see the park to see if everything is there. Robert and James played all day long. As Robert wached he saw his pet dog come home to stay with him and played and played. As there were playing the biralion came and said "I am sorry and I want to play with you". Robert said yes and kept the biralion as a pet. They played all day long until they all fell asleep in the park and did not more one little bit. One of them woke up and wanted food to eat. Then they all woke up on the only little day and it was....