This boy.

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Chapter 1 Hi my name is..>When I woke up I smiled like everything had been okay. But it wasn't again I woke up to the screaming of mom and dad.. The only time I came out of my room was to bring down the dirty dishes..The rest of the time I sit on the internet all day, there isn't anything else to do. Yes even though my family is rich it isn't the best life at all. I dont think my parents even knew I existed anymore. But what do I do on the internet? Well I talk to my bestfriend Jackie and uhm well there is this kid Grant.. He doesn't go to my school or anything but I wish he did. He seems like the only guy in this world that gets me I mean I watch his ustreams everyday hes on and sometimes he tweets me and I fangirl a little no ALOT and I mean we like the same music and he seems to have a nice personality.Oh and I forgot my name is Hailey i'm 13 

Chapter 2The usuall >Today was the same thing like the regular old days wake up hear the parents argue before work once they leave you cook some food bring it up to your room eat then internet and the same thing continues until they get home...The time I bring down the dishes is when they all sleep. I go to Highlander Middle  School is where I go to school and I hate it. Thank god it's Summer but school is starting very very soon! I don't wanna go back.

Chapter 3 Bye Summer > So today Grant accepted my friend request on Facebook and Jackie and I downloaded ALL of his pictures.... I mean we don't stalk him we just admire and fangirl him.And school starts in a week. Where has the time gone?Today I went school supply shopping.

Chapter 4 School bound> Tommorow is the first day of school.. I am so nervous Jackie and I only have 3 classes together. It's getting late I should go to bed.. I close my eyes slowly thinking about Grant.When I wake up I take my time is always nice to be fashionably late right?As I arrive into homeroom Jackie smiles and already has me a seat nervous but confident I sit down and smile.

Chapter 5 The best day ever> Today as I scroll endlessly through my newfeed I stop Grant Posted "By guys i'll miss you. :(" Tagged with about 82 people. I wonder and go to sleep. Today I missed the bus.. I had to walk in the rain. After I got home I checked Grants wall again no new posts but something that made my emotions mix and mix and mix tears run down my face.

Chapter 6 This Can't Be Happening> Those tears.. Yes they were happy tears and are you ready to hear the news? Are you? Well let me put this easily Grant yes Grant Landis is coming to Highlander Middle School.. Better yet he starts in a week! This can't be possible. 

Chapter 7 The Big Day> Today was the day Grant comes. I wonder what bus he's on and where he lives my bus comes I walk on there are butterflies in my stomach as I walk down the aisle wondering if I will pass him. I didn't that makes me feel a little better though I need to focus on my introduction to him as we pull up to school I get those same butterflies but this time it feels like a whole zoo.Thankfully Jackies bus got there at the same time.We walk into homeroom I take my last breath as if I was gonna die I walk in.

Chapter 8 My last breath> I walk in and look around...... He isn't there I drop my butterflies I am pissed off though I mean what if we arent in the same class what if we never meet? The bell rings.. There she is the biggest bully ever her name is Carla I look at the lockers making no eye contact but then suddenly I don't think i'm walking anymore turns out she tripped me and Jackie isn't with me anymore she had English I had Social Studies and suddenly someone helps me up "are you okay?" That voice it sounded so familiar I look up and whoopty doo at the most random time my heart drops... It's Grant I start to cry he's even more beautiful in real life and close up. He helps me pick up my books. I think I just made the worst mistake of my life..

Chapter 9 Its not as bad as you think> I'm Hailey... Do you remember me? Grants jaw drops.. "You are Hailey?" Yes I said i'm sorry i'm crying its embarassing I have to go i'm sorry. He follows me. I walk into Social Studies to only find out that he wasn't following me that was his class to. - 3 PERIODS LATER- Its lunch time and Jackie isn't with me.. I sit at this little brown circular table and once again I see him. The beauty the looks it's Grant again. Hi.. I mumble "Hey" Grant says. Pull it together I think.. Whats up I say? We start a whole conversation. Today I have plans with him.

Chapter 10 The introduction> I introduce Jackie to Grant and of course he remembers her to. Then I tell Grant about my parents. He is fine with it. I walk home - happily.

Chapter 11 The Worst Tears Of My Life> I wake up at 3:00 am there are police EVERYWHERE I wonder what happens when suddenly he tells me.. My father killed my mom.. Then himself. Even though we havent had the best realtionship I miss them..I tell the only people I can trust Grant and Jackie. They are sad to.. I dont return to school for months when I come back I got the news.. Grant commited suicide because of how long I have been gone and Jackie moved months ago. I die inside I will never live again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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