Chapter 697

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Matt's POV: As I came back from getting Matteo in his nursery, I walked into our bedroom to see Gabby wasn't there. I thought she was in the washroom so I decided to turn around and check when I instead saw her coming back from the kitchen. "Where'd you go?" She then gave me a bottle. "Your turn to feed him. I need to take a shower because I stink." I looked at her and just bit my lip, not wanting to say anything.

Slapping my arm, she looked at me as she went to grab some sweats for herself. "Thanks for saying that a smell fine." She then went and grabbed her towel. "Sorry but..." She already knew the answer and groaned as she looked at me. She then went to pick out some jewelry to wear when she decided not to wear some since we aren't going out. I just let her be as I went to sit down in bed. Holding Matteo in my arms, I started to feed him a bottle.

Once Gabby had all her stuff, she looked at me and smiled. "You're a natural." I nodded and agreed. "I've done this before. I did it when Violet was a baby and then when the Darden boys were babies." Gabby smiled. "You helped out with them a lot didn't you?" I turned my head and nodded. "Whenever I was having a fight with Hallie, 9/10 you could find me at the Darden house sleeping on their basement couch."

Gabby chuckled and nodded. "At least now you have your own son to feed like that." I nodded and agreed when she walked over. She then bent over and kissed me softly. "And to me, there's nothing more attractive than the sight of my husband holding our child in his arms." I smiled when she said that before kissing her again. "Go shower." She nodded and agreed, walking away to go take a shower while I fed Matteo.

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