Chapter 1

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Tittle: I Fell for you..

Akira's POV

I was at the hospital talking to a sweet little cute kid who has dengue, he just came here last week so I wanna visit him because why not?

I like visiting kids in the hospital like my dad does before he passed away.

"Akira? How did you became a superstar?"The little kid ask.

I smiled and patted his head"my family was a superstar and I wanna continue it for them" I replied.

"I wish my family was a superstars" He said sadly"Your family doesn't need to be a superstar!You can be one too! You have to reach your dream and make it come true!"I told him.

"My dream?" He tilted his head to the other side as I nodded "I did dream of becoming a famous blader one day!" He smiled"then reach that dream!"I said, he nodded "yeah!"

"Thank you so much Akira!" He exclaimed happily.

"Your welcome"I replied smiling,"oh Akira! Are you meeting Zac The sunrise?!" He ask.

Oh yeah, I am meeting him later.. he's the most famous superstar there is.

"Yeah why?"I asked him curiously"can you say Hi to him?! Please?? I also like him! His sooo cool!"He said.

I let out a small laugh and crouch down to his level "sure thing" my reply made him so happy and hugged me "thank you so much!"he said.

"No problem" I said"Excuse me! Visiting hours is over"The nurse said.

"Well I have to go"I said "okay! Will we meet again?"he ask, I nodded and stood up "bye kid!"I smiled.

"Bye Akira!"he waved as I walked out of the room,"kids are so cute"I thought as I walked out of the hospital and went inside my car.

"How's your visit, Akira?" My Butler Hobbes ask giving me an orange juice.

"It was fun! And thanks"I smiled at him opening the orange juice and drinking it"That's good to hear, you father would be so proud" he said and began wiping his tears.

"Eh?! Hobbes don't cry!" I said calming him down"thank you Akira now let's go to the hotel, Zac must be waiting for us."Hobbes reminded, we left the hospital and was now going to the hotel.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed looking at the window"I hope he'll be nice and friendly!" I said.

Zac's POV

"What's taking him so long?"I ask crossing my arms while looking at the clock it was 2:51 P.M me and my Butler were outside the hotel waiting for this Akira and his butler to arrive and yet they're late! "Akira Yamatoga, it saids here he likes to visiting sick children and giving supplies to the poor"My Butler Carlos said

"How old is he?"I ask"his 15 years old"
Carlos replied "Hmm..I didn't expect him to be that young" I said.

"Sorry we're late!"A cute voice says--waits what?

I turned around and saw, a boy with pink hair and red cute eyes, how can a boy like him can be that adorable?!

"You must be Zac! A kid would like to say "hi!" To you but he isn't here!"he giggled, "What kid?"I ask raising an eye brow "the kid that I visited in the hospital today!"he said giggling how can he be that cute--get the hold of your self Zac!

"Hmm..I see"I said "then shall we go?"I ask, he tilted his head to the other side Cutely "to where?"he ask.

"The our room"I sighed "oh! Sorry! Let's go Hobbes!"He said as we went inside the elevator with our butlers.

When we got to our room, Akira's eyes sparkle when he saw the room"the room is huge!"he said.

"Isn't your room at home huge too?"I ask "yeah..but this is a hotel! It's my first time staying here!" He said looking around the room.

"Zac! Look! You can see the whole city from here!" Akira said I went to the balcony where he is and looked at the view he's right you can really see the whole city from here, I can even see Valt and his friends practicing.

"Hey Zac! Look it's Valt and his friends!"Akira pointed at the bey park"I know"I said.

"Zac and Akira, are you two ready for your concerts?" Carlos ask.

"Yeah, I am.."I said "me too!"Akira exclaimed.

--After the concert

Many people came to my and Akira's concert, we just finish are songs and I was waving at my hands and signing their Autographs with Akira.

"I ship you guys!!"some girl yelled, making me blush, since when did they started shipping me and Akira?

"Akira! We totally ship you guys! You guys are perfect for each other!" another girl said. I looked at Akira who was confused as I grabbed his hand and dragged him in the back stage after saying goodbye to our fans.

"Uh..Zac? Why do people ship us?"He asked "let's not talk about it, let's just go back to the hotel and rest there"I suggest "okay! I'm a little tired too"he said but he doesn't seem like he's tired.. I think he still has energy left.

When our fans left that was the time we went inside our car and went back to the hotel, while we were stuck on a god damn traffic, I felt something on my shoulder. I looked and saw Akira asleep, okay..I was wrong he was tired but somehow he's still keeping his cheerful self and doesn't show his tiredness,This should interesting

---The next day

"Hey Zac! Since it's our day off wanna come with me to help out the poor people?" Akira ask me eyes filling with sparkles which made him even cuter, why is he so adorable I mean Who the heck is his mother?

"Sure" I nodded and followed him out of the hotel and inside a car with five trucks following us"I'm so excited! Are you Zac?"he ask "sure I am.."I said

When we arrived we we're at a mountain, I guess this is where poor people lives because I can see small houses and plants that aren't even grown yet. It must feel awful living here, did Akira experience this?

Akira's POV

The car stopped along with the huge trucks as me and Zac went outside, this mountain brings back memories, when I was a little boy.

Many people walked up to us with shocked expressions on their faces"Mommy look! It's Zac and Akira the superstars" a little boy said.

"Yes little fellow and we're here to help you all!"Zac said crouching down to his level, I smiled and looked at the people they have shocked mixed with happiness expressions.

We started giving them clothes,school supplies, fruit and vegetables seeds, and many other things that can help them survive too.

"Thank you so much Akira!" A lady smiled blowing her tissue.

"Akira? Why are you here?" The same little boy ask " help you"I replied crouching down to his level and I placed my hand in his head.

"Mommy!His an Angel send by God!" He said "eh?!" I yelp as the other adults began to laugh "dear he's a human like us" his mother said.

"Kids really like you"Zac whispered next to me "they can easily mistaken you as an Angel and by God"Zac laughed "ye-yeah.." I said blushing.

Wait..what is this feeling?
Am I falling for Zac?

Akira is Falling for Zac!!
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