Part I

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(So that y'all know this is gonna be shit happening after the party and I will be updating this at least once a week or try to, AND I AM NOT WRITING ANY ZYLE STUFF, AND THIS CLEARLY ISN'T 100% ACCURATE)

As Madison paraded through the door with Zoe following behind, she felt both men and women eyeing her. She was used to the feeling of eyes on her, she was an actress after all. Yet this time was different. She felt uncomfortable with all those eyes on her. As she looked around at all the people, who she felt looked mindnumbingly average, she noticed how Zoe had already run off with a blonde frat boy. Great, now she was all alone with all these creeps and junkies. She explored the party, looking for a guy to spend the evening with. Soon enough she did, in the staircase on her way to the upper floor. She pulled out a cigarette, as she was feeling stressed. She asked him for a drink to numb the feelings, and he delivered. But maybe in the wrong way she would realise...

About an hour later, Zoe found herself thinking about Madison. She disappeared in the first 5 minutes of them being here.. Maybe she should've stayed with her. I mean, she knew that Madison was perfectly capable of fending off creeps, drunks, etc but she was still worried sick. She honestly just wanted to show Madison that she could have fun too. Suddenly she got snapped back to reality by a calming voice.

"Oh, now I know, you have a boyfriend." Kyle said with disappointment in his voice. He really seemed to like her.

"No, I don't" Zoe told him, "Kyle I like you, but it's not gonna work out. Have you seen Madison?" she asked him.

Kyle and her started checking around, but pretty quickly Zoe realised that Madison was nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe she ditched you?" Kyle stated and decided he would check upstairs. Kyle walked into the room, and saw Madison laying on the bed, exhausted and his frat buddies filming all sorts of things with her.

"Are you out of your damn mind?!" Kyle yelled as he tried to get the phone.

"Madison?" Zoe blurted out as she walked in. She knelt beside her and whispered "Hey Madison, hey.." as she shook her a bit.

"Did they give you something?" she asked her, only getting soft groans in response. She laid her hand on Madison's cheek, heartbroken seeing how the girl she only met a few hours ago was barely able to make a sound. That drug they gave her really fucked her up, she thought to herself..

She kept telling her she was gonna be okay, until Kyle burst in, completely shocked. "They crashed.." he muttered "They threw the driver off the bus, and swerved into the wrong lane..".

Zoe couldn't help but feel relieved that the evidence was gone, and let out a tiny smile. Her brief joy quickly disappeared as she remembered Madison's state.

"Kyle, help me carry her to the car.." she sighed. He came over to the side of the bed, and attempted to carry her, but Madison refused to move and grabbed onto Zoe's arm. "I'll be right beside you, okay?" Zoe told her. She nodded, and this time didn't hold back when Kyle attempted to carry her.

Zoe, who didn't want Madison to feel alone, decided to sit with her in the backseat of her black, tan interior car. With Madison's head in her lap, she felt something weird. She looked so adorable curled up next to her, which was weird considering what a bitch she had been earlier. She ignored these feelings even tho she deep down knew what they were.

When they arrived at the front of the academy, Zoe nudged Madison a bit as an attempt to wake her up. "Hey Mads, we're home." she whispered softly into her ear. Her eyes began to open a bit, as she attempted to sit up. Zoe put her arm around Madison's frail body, and led her inside not hesitating to mention every little detail about the way they were walking, ensuring she wouldn't trip in her weak state.

As soon as she got Madison inside, she rushed over to Kyle to thank him. "Thank you so much for helping us home, I really appreciate it. I don't know how to make it up to you." she told him with a smile on her face. A grin spread over Kyle's face as he said

"Maybe a date would make it alright?", looking Zoe right in the eyes. Not really knowing what other option she had, she agreed on one date. As Kyle's smile grew even larger, Zoe leaned in for a hug to thank him properly. "Thanks again, but I should go back to Madison now.." she uttered. Kyle nodded and waved goodbye as he started walking back home, as did Zoe.

When she got inside she spotted Madison relaxing on the couch, seemingly awake still. Zoe sat down next to her and placed her arm around her, pulling Madison closer to her. She got chills, as she felt a pair of soft lips embrace her neck. That feeling again, she thought. Maybe Madison wasn't as bad as she thought? I mean she seemed to have a sweet spot.. Her thoughts were interrupted as Cordelia suddenly emerged out of the shadows, without making a noise.

"Hello, girls" she spoke. Zoe flinched, as she hadn't heard a footstep, or even a creak in the floorboards. "Seems like you had a wild night..." Cordelia said. "You don't know the half of it." Zoe sighed. Cordelia stepped closer and looked around, observing the room closely. "Okay, well just make sure to get her to bed eventually." she replied as she walked away. "Goodnight." Zoe uttered, not knowing if Delia had heard her.

Zoe didn't want this moment to end, but she knew that she had to get Madison to bed. She sighed and looked at the adorable girl on her left. She could look at her forever.

"Hey, we have to go to bed." Zoe whispered in her ear. "Okay.." she responded as they started to get up. Zoe's arm still around Madison, they climbed up the stairs and stumbled into their room together. Madison collapsed onto her bed and yawned, not even thinking about changing clothes. Zoe smiled, and went to look through Madison's clothes. Everything looked uncomfortable in her opinion, either really small or really tight. She decided it wouldn't hurt to lend her one of her sweaters, so she did.

"Put this on." Zoe told her. Madison slowly sat up and attempted to unzip her dress, but didn't manage to reach. "A little help?" she muttered with a slight smile on her face. Zoe sat down beside her and unzipped her dress to reveal she wasn't wearing a bra. She quickly looked away as Madison fetched the shirt and put it on.

A black cotton sweater, nothing special really. Except that it belonged to one of the most adorable and kind girls she ever met. Of course, she wasn't going to tell Zoe this, but she liked to imagine.

Madison cuddled up under the sheets as she watched Zoe change from her dress to an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She couldn't stop herself from looking at her. She was so beautiful. Her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed Zoe had turned around and was meeting her gaze, staring back at her. They stared into each other's eyes until Zoe decided to get into bed.

Right before she shut off the lights she heard Madison say "Hey um, you wouldn't mind sleeping in the same bed right?.. I don't really wanna feel or be alone after tonight.". Zoe smiled and climbed into bed next to Madison, knowing she was going to sleep good tonight.

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