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  dream was a traveler of ancient historical artifacts. it was common for him to find old paintings, jewelry, emerald, or any regular kept items by a family.

but when he found a little black book, he had to forward it.

spells were written inside. obviously by a witch no doubt, the pages were yellow from use, and the ink was murky with swamp ink. the pages smelled old, like dusty tree logs.

The cover was leather , designed by the witch most likely, with some demonic writings he couldn't make out. the only words he could understand was "succubus ."

but he...didn't know what that meant?

the one word he could actually read and he couldn't read that. wonderful.

but it couldn't hurt to try and perform the actual spell , and so he grabbed candles to light in a circle, and drew the symbol drawn in the book.

the flame was sketched out in chalk , each corner connected to the six red wax candles that were stated to be needed. dream blew out the lights of his room, except for the 6 candles and began casting the spell.

"xouv swuyth savchrä "

"xouv swuyth savchrä"

"xouv swuyth savchrä!"

a bright orange and black glow lit the floor, and a thick mist came from the floor. dream, in a fast act, pulled his sword out and swiped at it, the mist clearing with the blade.

he heard a cough, and a groan.

clearing through the mist was a demon looking male, about dream's age. he had long black hair tied into a braid with a white bandana over his forehead.

the clothes on him were little to none. a strappy crop top and lace bottoms. the boy had deep rich fire skin that was letting out steam, and his eyes were deep dark blue.

he was on all fours and whiny, begging in a language that Dream didn't know, most likely the language the witch spoke, and written in the book.

"hey, are you okay? do you need anything?"

the demon's eyes snapped up to dream's, and his lips were caught in a kiss by the other, burning tongue pushing against his own. he pushed Dream down to the ground, keeping him there with a muscular thigh trapping his mid section.

the demon stopped and Dream coughed , taking in deep breaths. the demon sat there watching the blonde regain his breathing.

" yes. you seem perfect for my hunger."

all in perfect English.

"what did you just do?!-"

"I'm a succubus. those evil, sex demons. ah yes you must know all the bad stuff said about us. now shut up and let me sit on your cock. you're pretty big too dude, I bet you're packin-"

Dream grabbed the succubus by the shoulders and pushed him off. when did this all go downhill so fast?!

dream's cock was already hard , but that was just by the scent of this sex demon alone. the air felt thicker, felt more like sex.

dream held the succubus back, not looking into the heart shaped pupils the black haired man had. He reached down to pull down dream's pants, and get his cock in his hands.

"what's ur name?"

"in your pronunciation, it would be "sapnap".

dream was about to push him off again, when that scent came back, and he went limp, letting sapnap sit between his open legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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