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Rain poured heavily as a 16 year old girl sat in an alleyway. Her hair was dirty and unkempt, eyes showing no particular emotion and all she could think about was what had happened days ago.


"Shit...they got away," one of (Y/n)'s partners exclaimed.

"Its your damn fault, you dumbass!" The young girl hissed at him, using the skills she learned from the gang she had been in before this one to track the target. "Next time, watch where you are going or you might end up dead. Your lucky I was here to save your ass."

Her partner clicked his tongue in annoyance and looked away angrily.
"Anyways, I found them. They are headed towards the coffee shop down the street. If we hurry we can get them before they enter and do anything inside-"

"You know what! I'm done with you!" The male beside her shouted suddenly, causing (Y/n) to jump.

"You always act like your better than everyone, and you always get everything right. Your a fucking witch, (Y/n)," He slapped the teen across the face and continued, "I'm going to make you regret ever stepping foot in our base, evil bitch."

Those words stung like venom. Though the outburst was very random, (Y/n) was left stunned as the older man, who's name she had now forgotten, walked away. (Y/n) had always been called names for having strange powers. What powers, may you ask? Something called a stand.

She was introduced to this name after joining a gang called 'La Squadra' which had others with an ability similar to hers. The members of that gang taught her so much and she would always hold them in her heart, even if she had to move on with another gang.

(Y/n) had chose to name her stand "Guns and Roses" due to its style. It had pastel pink skin, a short, rose top that covered all that it needed and a leaf-like dress. It wore a crown of leaves that had vines hanging from it. This humanoid figure that followed (Y/n) around could turn itself into vines, and sometimes they had small blooming roses on them. From this form, the stand could shoot the thorns. Gar could also emmitt a "sleeping gas". (im bad at describing things)

Anyway, back to reality, (Y/n) slowly headed back to the base she had called her home for only 6 months. It wasn't that far from where she was, so it only took 15 minutes despite the slow pace she was moving at.

Hesitantly opening the door, she was greeted by her boss, who did not have the happiest look on his face.

"I heard what you did, (Y/n). After you told me you would never do it again, you felt sympathy for yet another criminal and let them go. Was it some stupid bribe again? Whatever. I knew you were a lying bitch. Get out of this place and don't return. Seeing you disgusts me."

Dumbfounded, (Y/n) felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes as she backed out of the place she had once thought would give her a future.

The 16 year old ended up on the streets. How lucky.

Current time:

Here she sat, next to a garbage bin out in the wet, chilly outside air with no one except, well, herself.

Looking up at the gloomy sky, (Y/n) combed her (h/c) hair with her fingers and stood up. Maybe she could go back into that bar and play piano?

Ah yes, piano. Thinking about that object brought a smile to the girl's face. She imagined herself sitting on the wooden stool with her fingers on beautiful, shiny white and black keys, softly playing a song her older sister had taught her when her family was still there for her.

Opening the front door of the bar, she was greeted by a familiar smile.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Glad you're back. It was gettin' quiet without ya playin' on that piano," Alessandra beamed at the (h/c) girl as she walked in.

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