How kaii and bakugou meet

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Bakugou P.O.V:

So i was going to the grocery store cause my mom forgot to get milk and we needed some to make mashed potatoes for dinner so i quickly went to the store to get some on the way there i bumped into someone named kaii me an kaii talked for about 15mins we exchanged numbers and we then continued to talk for a couple months we got together he found out i was trans Ftm and one day when we were doing"it" we ran out of protection and deiced i should be fine but boy were we wrong a week later we found out i was pregnant we told our parents they were both okay with it just they thought we were a little young but they let us keep it but a couple months later when i was about 8 and half months pregnant kaii had moved cause his dad got a new job far away me and kaii had to put our relationship on pause and we ended up breaking up i wasn't happy neither was he about this but it was for the best cause we weren't going to see our be able to contact each other for awhile and couple weeks later i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named akira she had Black hair and red eyes with freckles bakugou got into U.A but only one problem was that bakugou would have to bring akria with him to U.A but bakugou soon worked up the courage to bring her and so he did 

thats the best picture i could find of akira just with red eyes and freckles 

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thats the best picture i could find of akira just with red eyes and freckles 

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