Act a Part

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Lucas stared blankly into the fridge. He knew he should eat, but the whole display this morning between Noah and Hope had put him off his food. Not to mention the conversation he'd had with her after the fact. She'd wanted to "set the record straight" and make sure he knew what had happened between them the night before was a mistake. Along with all the other stolen moments before Casa.

"I like you, Lucas. You know I do." Her words replayed in his head. "But Noah is my way forward."

He acted like he was fine with it, of course. He wouldn't convince her with some messy, desperate display. Plus, he admired her ambition. She was smart, and knew how to play the game. Noah was brooding. Hope was outgoing. He was broke, she was wealthy. He was a librarian, she was a powerful executive. He complemented her, she'd explained. The public was already invested in them as a couple. Lucas was too much of a dark horse. People would view him as some posh pretty boy who broke up the Villa's power couple. They couldn't win that way, and Hope wanted to win.

He knew this about her before he'd even arrived at the Villa. She was the whole reason he was on the show. On the first day, she was the only one with the guts to take her man, even though Max had already picked him. She claimed Noah as her own and jealously protected her prize. A woman after his own heart.

She drove him wild. Somehow the more she frustrated him, the more he wanted her. She was a challenge, and he loved a challenge.

A loud clattering sound interrupted his thoughts. Max stumbled into the kitchen with all the grace of a flustered goose, her water bottle bouncing on the floor as she tried to regain her footing. Frizzy strands of red hair fell from her messy bun as she looked back accusingly at the floor, as if scolding whatever had tripped her.

"These fucking heels," she grumbled as she kicked them off. "This fucking day!" She cursed the air around her and snatched up her water bottle. She briefly acknowledged Lucas's presence with a frown and a nod. "Alright?"

"Slightly better than you, I'd say," he answered.

She stomped toward the sink. "My condolences." The strap of her bathing suit kept slipping off her freckled shoulder, and she tugged it angrily back into place.

He watched as she banged around the kitchen. Her mood must be sour from watching Noah and Hope's reunion. It was odd to think of her and Hope going after the same guy. They were polar opposites in many ways.

Max was never one to assume the lead. Mostly, she went along with the group and cracked jokes. Not that she was shy. She was a comedian, so more of a foul-mouthed misanthrope than anything. She seemed like the type to smoke pot, watch movies, and take long naps. Hope never napped.

When Max had any kind of strong feeling, she wore it out loud, unstrategically revealing all her emotional cards. She was funny, no doubt, but rough around the edges. No concern for what was appropriate or proper.

"That was quite a scene this morning," he said.

As if they'd been in the middle of a heated conversation she launched into a diatribe. "It's infuriating. They're so full of shit and everyone is just eating it up. You know, the girls sent me on some bloody fact-finding mission all morning to find out what happened at Casa. For Hope . When he was coupled up with me, might I add. And well, you saw them clucking like hens to see it all play out."

"They certainly know how to bring the drama." He would never call it out himself, but he got a certain guilty pleasure hearing someone else do it. "You don't think it's 'true love'?"

Max made an inelegant fart sound with her mouth. "Please. They haven't even been together that long. And when they were coupled up, they fought all the time. If that's true love, I'm not into it." She fumbled noisily with the lid of her water bottle. "Hope knows exactly what she's doing." She clutched her chest and continued in a mocking voice. "Hope and Noah are desperately in love. Oh no! Hope and Noah are fighting! Are Hope and Noah going to make it? Oh my stars, does Noah have a break up beard?" She slammed her bottle down and gave Lucas a melodramatic look. "Not a break up beard, Lucas! How will we carry on if we don't figure out why Noah has stubble on his chin?" She dropped her hand heavily onto the counter and continued in her normal voice. "Jesus, I'd give my left tit for someone else to fall madly in love just so we could stop talking about Hope and Noah."

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