Chapter 57 - A Major's History

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Jasper gave Bella a glance before looking back straight ahead wondering if he should reveal his past to her. "I didn't have quite the same upbringing as my adopted siblings." Wishing to end the conversation just like that, Jasper started moving away to get Dorothea's snack she had left on the training ground but Bella went to follow after him.

Jasper let out a sigh, stopping mid-way through his destination to look back at the mortal, taking in her emotion and slightly irritated that he knows she won't leave until she gets what she wants.

He slowly lifted his sleeves to show the mortal. At first, Bella sees nothing in the overcast grey light. Then it becomes clear that his arm is feathered with hundreds of white, half-moon-shaped scars. Bella is aghast. "Those bites are like mine."

"Battle scars. All the training the Confederate Army gave me... Was useless against the newborns. Still, I never lost a fight"

"This has happened during the civil war?" Jasper nods as he starts to walk slowly, Bella had walked apace with him "I was the youngest major in the Texas cavalry. All without having seen any real battle."


"Until I met a certain immortal. Maria." Jasper's face darkened when he starts imagining the past, disgusted as he spoke of her name. "I was riding back to Galveston... After evacuating a column of women and children. When I saw her..." Jasper remembered clearly that day as if it had happened yesterday. How he slows when he sees three women in frayed dresses and bare feet, their beauty overwhelms him that thinking now he starts getting mad at himself.

"I immediately offered her my aid."

"Lovely. And an officer." / "You'd better do it, Maria. I can never stop once I've started." Jasper remembered how he was so confused but mesmerized when Maria moves closer. "What's your name, soldier?" / "Major Jasper Whitlock, Ma'am." / "I hope you survive. You maybe be of great use to me."

Jasper stops his action as pain clears on his face of the painful memory showing itself clearly in his mind, Bella had sat on a fallen log before questioning the vampire. "Maria was creating an army?"

"There were very common in the South. And cost brutal battles for territory." Talking about this he saw clearly his then-red eyes. He's almost unrecognizable in his ferocity as he tears through an opposing army of newborns, ripping off limbs, arms, and heads. He's a terrifying warrior that he started thinking what did Dorothea see in him?

"Maria won them all. She was smart and careful. And she had me. I was the second in command. My abilities to control emotions served her well." Jasper zoned out as he recalls he was training a group of newborns, demonstrating defensive and attack maneuvers.

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐬 | Jasper Whitlock ✅Where stories live. Discover now