Chapter 61 - Healing Once More

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Billy sits in his wheelchair in the kitchen, surrounded by the pack, including Emily and Sam. They wait anxiously as Dorothea was in another room with Carlisle. Dorothea might be a vampire but she was the only vampire that could put a smile on the wolves, seeing her not smiling and giggling like a kid put their moods down.

Emmet's jeep pulls up with Bella and Edward.

They hurriedly climb out as they reach the porch a loud yell of excruciating pain emanates from inside the house; Dorothea. Bella flinches, feeling the pain herself. While Emmet and Edward were close to breaking down hearing their sister's pain.

They all do.

All Paul can do is keep it together, and whisper to himself that his childhood friend is going to be alright. Emily, next to him, puts an arm around his shoulders. Quil spoke to Edward seeing Emmet was noiselessly and softly banging on the door Carlisle and Dorothea are in, wishing Carlisle would let him in.

"It's been going on for a while." Embry was next to say: "Doc's rebreaking her bones." Bella reacts to the horror that can't imagine the pain while Leah paces as she spoke "Why'd she have to butt in? Jacob could've taken that tick... She probably the weakest vampire I meet and she knew but she- she..."

They all spin toward the front door as it opens, Carlisle exits with Sam. "The worst is over. She'll be alright. Thank you for taking care of her before." Paul exhales heavily, tears threatening. Sam puts a hand on Billy's shoulder.

Emily wraps an arm around Sam's waist. Embry looks around and then questions the doctor, "Where's your son. Shouldn't he be here worried for his mate?" Emmet didn't respond as he went inside the room to tenderly pick his sister up, to the jeep, wanting to get her home and safe.

"He's currently being chained up." Edward kept his eyes on the two but answer the question, "If he hears even the faintest sound of Thea's cries he won't hesitate to kill anyone that got her into that state. Since the newborn is dead, our guess would be Jacob and Leah."

Leah and Jacob had shivered at the image of Jasper in a killing mood but won't deny that they did start the fight. Carlisle spoke to Edward about Dorothea's condition as they walk out of the house. "I gave her some morphine, that should keep her cries down from Jasper killing anyone."

"Thank you, tell her that once she's awake," Billy said, he was speechless the whole time thinking that if Dorothea didn't butt in, his son would be going through the pain she was feeling.

( ◑‿◑)ɔ┏🍟--🍔┑٩(^◡^ )

It's been 5 days since the battle scene, Jasper had locked himself along with Dorothea in their room, in Cullen's residence when Emmet brought her home. No, one was permitted to enter the room nor get out only Carlise, to do Dorothea's daily check-up.

Emmet and Dean got annoyed at one point for not being authorized to see Dorothea's condition but calm themselves with some hunting, understanding Jasper's protectiveness. Alice and Rose would seldom come to knock on the door, originating a small conversation with Jasper but during the whole 10-minute chat, no response was given.

While Esme provided the couple with some space but once in a while, Carlisle would find her crashing down in the kitchen for not being able to see her daughter. You would think in those five days, the house would be calm but no.

Sometimes Dorothea would arise up in agony and starts screaming and crying her lungs out, Carlisle would hasten to the room while the remainder was locked out.

Emmet and Dean would be pounding the door, Alice and Rose soundlessly sobbing at the noises while Esme covered her ears from listening. And when there are no screams, the Cullens can detect Jasper throwing and yelling things in the room in frustration.

After a while, the house would only be loaded with those 2 things, Dorothea's screams, and Jasper's yells. When it appears, Edward would play his piano hoping that the melody would suffocate the sounds and bring some light to his family's heart.

When the 5 days were up, the Cullens were startled when seeing Jasper accommodating Dorothea walk down the stairs. Immediately, they were all there at her aid.

Guiding her to the living room couch making Dorothea laugh, silently wincing at the pain. "Jassy, why don't you go hunting. You haven't eaten since the battle." Dorothea softly spoke, the family was just observing the scene.

Jasper frowned at this, his hand squeezing tightly with Dorothea's hand, afraid that if she leaves his side another accident would happen to her. Dorothea seeing and understanding his trauma, gave him her happiest and most genuine smile telling him she would be fine.

"Jasper... She got her family here. Will take care of her, just an hour and you'll be back in her arms," Carlisle had to sweet talk the hushed Jasper, after a silent 5 minutes, the male agrees to go hunting. Edward chose to go along with him and Alice too just in case which Dorothea was grateful for.

Once Jasper was out of ear sight, Emmet and Dean rushed to sit next to Dorothea's sides bringing her in an embrace but being careful of their strength. "Please, please. Before you do anything, think about how anxious your family would be."

"Seeing and hearing you in pain. Hurts a lot more than being in one." The two huge males howl out their hidden emotions for 5 days, Dorothea giggles at this and accept their hug while at the same time apologizing to them.

Rose stood up, to approach them. Moments like this she would scold Dorothea and repeatedly smack her arms, but this time she broke down to her knees which surprised Dorothea. "Y-Your an idiot! Stupid!" / "I'm sorry Rosie. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"What do you mean 'to hurt me,'! Are you crazy, you're hurting yourself for days, Thea!" Dorothea would go and hug the girl but Emmet and Dean protest to let her go, so she can solely sincerely promise to never do such a thing which made Roselie feel better.

Esme wordlessly went behind Dorothea, hugging her from there. Not lecturing anything, just appreciating her presence while mentally telling herself that Dorothea is fine now and that nothing is going to happen to her.

Comprehending all this, Emmet and Dean secure grip on her, Rose on her knees in front of her, and Esme is quiet while murmuring about her safety. Dorothea starts sniffling, trying her best to hold onto her non-existence tears. She has never left so much love for his broken/crushed bones.

She remembered how, her first family would be so happy seeing her in pain, seeing her blood slide down her body to the floor but her second and true family hated that.

Just by the sound of her cries, Jasper had already started thrashing around in pain, how Alice had through scan her every inch of her body for any more pain and Edwards silent sigh of relief at seeing her smiling.

God, how she wishes she had met them first before any other. Carlisle observes all this, grinning like a dad, proud of how strong Dorothea is and his family for not giving up.

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