Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Land of the Lost and am not making money off this story.

Three humans and one Pakuni were trekking through the jungle in the middle of the night, watching alertly for any of the nocturnal predators normally found in the Land of the Lost. They were traveling to a pylon near the Pakuni village, which had earlier been revealed as a portal that could allow the Marshall family to get home. However, Holly became separated from her father and brother and none were able to leave. As this pylon was controlled by lunar cycles, it would be another 3 years before the moons would be in the right position. A decision was made to come back at that time and try again.

Then, about a year later, Rick Marshall was forced through a time doorway during an earthquake, leaving Will and Holly stranded alone until their Uncle Jack found the portal into the Land of the Lost when searching for them. Will and Holly eventually told him about the pylon and together they made the decision to try again.

"I can't believe it's finally been 3 years. We can go home!" Holly exclaimed.

"Yeah," Will agreed, "I can't wait to see Dad again."

Uncle Jack then added, "I'll just be glad I can go outside without everything trying to eat me."

Cha-ka was quiet during this time, trying to focus on keeping a look out while thinking of how much he would miss his friends. After the earthquake had killed many of the other Pakuni and separated him from Ta and Sa (who fled for parts unknown, although some of their tracks were later seen nearby), this was his family. He began to think about when they first met, when the Marshalls helped with his broken leg, and the many adventures he had been on with the family. Now, all that was about to come to an end.

Ta and Sa, of course, wouldn't be there, but Will and Holly knew all they needed to do was wait until the pylon opened for them to enter. Then, it would only be a matter of time before they were back in their world.

At last, they arrived at the pylon. "I'm glad the earthquake didn't get it. Then, who knows how much longer we'd be stuck here." Will commented.

"So, now we just have to wait?" Uncle Jack asked.

"Yep," Holly answered.

Everyone then realized how quiet Cha-ka had been. "What's wrong Cha-ka?" Holly asked gently.

"Hari and Wirra go," he replied sadly.

Will then spoke up, "But Cha-ka, we have to go. We need to get home to our family."

"And you're welcome to stay at the temple," Jack added, "You know it's safe."

Before Cha-ka could say anything else, the moonlight shone down onto the pylon, causing the door to open."

"Yes!" Will shouted. "Hurry Holly, Uncle Jack!"

Holly gave Cha-ka a quick hug saying, "I'll really miss you, Cha-ka."

"Cha-ka miss Hari."

As she was stepping into the pylon, the door was already starting to appear! With a quick jump, Holly made it just in time."

"That was too close, Holly." Uncle Jack admonished her somewhat.

"Well I couldn't leave without saying bye to Cha-ka."

"Now what?" Uncle Jack asked, changing the subject.

"We wait," Will answered matter-of-factly as the scenery through the door began to change.

Out of anticipation, they carefully watched the door. It was rather fascinating to see some of the alternate dimensions that flashed by. Some were very strange, with a multi-colored landscape and unusual creatures roaming by. Once, they saw a being resembling a dinosaur larger than any that ever roamed the earth running straight towards the pylon! Being used to avoiding other prehistoric reptiles over the past few years, they jumped back further inside quickly and braced for impact, just as the scenery shifted to the next dimension.

Holly immediately recognized this as where the message "Holly don't" was mysteriously written just outside the door, during her previous trip, and where the mysterious creature that had hitched a ride with her spontaneously exploded. She didn't fully understand at the time, but apparently that universe was filled with anti-matter.

"We really don't want to get out here," she muttered nervously.

After what seemed like 10-15 minutes, they saw what looked like a park, similar to the one Holly was briefly tempted to escape to during her previous experience with the pylon.

"It's home!" she shouted.

"Go! Quick!" Jack ordered.

The trio leaped from the pylon and landed on the ground, just as the pylon vanished once again. After their long wait, had finally escaped the Land of the Lost.

"We're finally back," Will said in disbelief.

"Now, we've just got to figure out where we are," Holly observed.

Everyone stood to look around. Nearby were several houses, mostly facing away from their position, as well as power lines over their heads and other sights that those who've never spent a few years in a prehistoric land often take for granted.

Will was the first to wander over toward the street, where he was met by an unexpected sight. "Holly, Uncle Jack? I think you might want to see this."

The others were out of view originally and followed the sound of Will's voice, surprised when they looked at the vehicles passing by. They were still normal cars, trucks, etc., with one key difference.

"I've never seen cars that look like this," Jack wondered, "They look normal, but something isn't right."

Holly then looked up and saw a billboard advertising series' on a television channel she'd never heard of and shook her head in confusion. "It's kind of like home, but different. I don't understand."

"I think I do," Will commented flatly as he pointed to another billboard in the opposite direction: it was an ad for a concert taking place on September 25th, 2016.

Everyone stared in shock, before Uncle Jack broke the silence. "I think we've got a problem."

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