#9 Headcannon- What Dating Mike Would Include

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Requested by Tobytiel

°Mike would randomly sniff you, he'll comment if he smells something different on you

•He would enjoy laying his head between your thighs while you play with his hair

○Super overprotective of you

●Gets jealous when smells someone else on you

□Random forehead kisses

■At night he'd want to be cuddled up against you. He prefers being the big spoon but doesn't mind being the little spoon

♤He enjoys showering with you

♡when showing affectionate he's more physical rather than verbal

◇Is lowkey jealous whenever you and Erwin talk

♧If you aren't in the Survey Corps he makes it clear he doesn't ever want you to join

☆If you are in the Survey Corps, he tries getting you to quit because he doesn't want to risk loosing you

(131 Words)

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