The Guardians of the Galaxy

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**Hours Later**

"Keep an eye out for anything involving Banner. We don't need Fury breathing down our necks after losing the world's only giant zucchini," Tony said, addressing the holographic projection of Vision in his workroom. His frustration was palpable, each word laced with exasperation.

"And if we find him, what will become of him?" Vision asked calmly, his voice betraying no hint of the chaos surrounding them.

"No, no capture. He's a friend. Just...." Tony sighed deeply, rubbing his temples as if trying to erase the headache forming. "Hold on." The hologram vanished, leaving Tony alone in his cluttered workspace.

From the hallway, Natasha's desperate voice echoed through the tower. "We're trying!"

Tony sank into his chair, his shoulders slumped. He pinched the bridge of his nose, preparing for the inevitable throbbing headache that accompanied the relentless crying.

Natasha was pacing around the room, her frustration growing as she bounced the fussy toddler and patted her bum. "Please, please, stop," Natasha whispered, her voice thick with fatigue and concern.

Pepper and Steve stood nearby, their expressions strained. Pepper had her hands over her ears, while Steve looked at the scene with a mix of sympathy and helplessness. Sam, freshly roused from sleep, stumbled into the room, his pajamas rumpled and his eyes half-closed.

"Nat, your baby is crying," Sam mumbled, rubbing his neck and trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep.

"This isn't my baby," Natasha retorted, her voice carrying a note of exasperation. She gently thrust the child into Sam's arms, guiding his hands to support her.

"Yeah, I don't do mommy," Sam said, holding Wanda out in front of him as though she might explode any second.

"Really? So the drool on your shoulder is a fashion statement?" Tony quipped as he entered the room, walking over to kiss Pepper on the cheek. His attempt at humor fell flat in the face of the chaos.

"Why is she so loud?" Sam asked, raising his voice as he held Wanda at arm's length.

Laura and Clint emerged from their bedroom, still in their pajamas. Laura looked as tired as everyone else, her eyes heavy with sleep. "She's tired," Laura said with a yawn.

"Come on, you couldn't keep her quiet for any longer?" Clint asked, his voice laced with concern as he placed a supportive hand on Sam's shoulder.

"I have an idea," Steve said, setting down his coffee with a determined look. He walked over to the crying child and took Wanda from Sam with gentle hands, carrying her to the couch with a look of hope.

Steve carefully laid Wanda on her stomach on the floor in front of the TV, his face a mix of determination and uncertainty. He grabbed the remote and settled on the couch, his demeanor a blend of confidence and anxiety.

"Ready to be amazed?" Steve asked, turning on the TV to Dick Van Dyke, Wanda's favorite show. His gaze was fixed on Wanda, hoping the familiar show would calm her down. "Ta-da," he whispered to himself, waiting for her reaction.

"Steve, she's still crying," Pepper pointed out, her voice tinged with concern.

"I kinda feel bad for the kid. We have no idea what we're doing, and she's suffering for it," Sam admitted softly to Natasha, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"Huh?" Steve shrugged, looking down at Wanda with a mix of confusion and empathy.

"Let me try," Laura said, stepping forward with a determined look. She took the remote from Steve and switched the channel to Treehouse, where Yo Gabba Gabba was starting.

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