Part 1- Where it Began

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Kirishima Eijiro had gone to the league soon after he had found out about them just before middle school had ended. He was in a dark place with little to grasp onto in terms of good, so as a way out, he chose to join the life of villainy. When he was younger all he had wanted to do was become a rising hero, but that dream was quickly squashed when came middle school. Any friend he had made only hurt and left him, and he couldn't even help a couple girls after a villain had appeared. He had been frozen in place. How could he ever call himself a hero if he couldn't even help to begin with. So he turned to the only thing he thought he would be able to make himself useful with, the league, and specifically a sort of messenger.

Come high school, Kirishima had changed his outward appearance nearly entirely and always put up a front to hide what was really going on. If he was ever found out to be working with league, then he would no doubt get kicked out of UA and thrown in prison. His task was keep on the down low and report anything to the league of villains that can be used against all the hero's, especially the up and coming hero's in training, to take out the upcoming hero's was an easy way to gain the most power the league would need to be successful in their long term plan, and Kirishima was an important piece to any plan they would put together.

When there was a feeling that people started to get suspicious, the league figured that they would have kirishima stick with the students of UA to rescue their classmate, Bakugo Katsuki after getting kidnapped. This explosion headed ash blonde was notorious for being hotheaded and wanting to do anything to win, so the league found him the perfect target for the plan to get the suspecting off Kirishima's back for saving the boy. Though little did Kirishima actually tell the league that he had actually grown quite fond of the hot-headed blonde. The group of idiots he hung out with to stay inconspicuous as well as gather information weren't to bad either, but out of anyone, it was Bakugo who had kirishima possibly second guessing everything, but it was too late to back out now that he was about 6 months into this whole messenger job.

The more time he spent around the blonde, the more he felt he actually wanted to be around him. Knowing he was falling for him, he let himself have just a little of a normal life. He hung out with bakugo any chance he got, though he kept his feelings locked up for a long time, fearful to say them out loud and lose his best friend, his only real friend. Yeah, he might be somewhat friends with the others, but he didn't let himself get too close to them, he could only allow himself to be close to one person, and bakugo was that only person.

Months turned into years, and in their third year of UA Kirishima had accidentally confessed to Bakugo. To say he was scared he had just fucked everything up was an understatement, but when he was pulled out of his own head by a pair of lips on his, that fear went away, and a small, genuine smile had crossed his lips. He allowed this, he allowed them to get even closer, he allowed them to be normal. If he were being honest, he almost craved the feeling of being normal whenever he was apart from Bakugo, but the longer it went on, the more worried he would become for the blonds safety. After all, kirishima was still with the league, relaying message after message, and still every plan they made was made around the information that kirishima always gave them. He couldn't just leave, he couldn't walk away and risk not only his, but Katsuki's life in the process, so he stayed, and he continued to do as they asked of him, despite his own better judgement.

Years pass by and class A had graduated without issue aside from the rumors of a traitor and the villain attacks based around their class, and yet still Kirishima had never been suspected to be the one causing it all. He had still only allowed himself to get close with Bakugo, everyone else he kept at a careful distance so he wouldn't get attached. They were all Pro hero's now, so that little bit would be easier now that they were all spread through different agencies. Him and Bakugo had moved into their own little apartment together, and Kirishima loved the little bits of domestic life he had with his high school sweetheart.

4 years into being a pro-hero, or so everyone around him thought so, he was still going strong with the league, still relaying every important detail of the other pros he worked with, and some of their plans around that information had been successful in taking out a pro from the ranks if it be by killing them, or disabling them from being a hero again. Though kirishima had never been apart of any of the attacks against these hero's to remain Anonymous.

Up to just a few days ago, kirishima had been working his ass off to be seen as the pro hero red riot, and not the actual villain he actually was. He was tired, and Bakugo had definitely started to notice. It made kirishima nervous. He had always told Katsuki that he just had a busy day and nothing more, and trusting kirishima, Bakugo had never questioned it. It made kirishima feel awful to lie to his boyfriend but there wasn't much else he could do. If Bakugo knew who he really was, kirishima had no doubt he would hate him for the rest of his life, and he couldn't take the risk of losing the only good thing kirishima had ever had. So when Bakugo had come up to him, announcing that he had planned a trip just for the two of them to a beach a few hours away by plane, and that would last a day or two, kirishima couldn't help but smile and agree to go.

Only to find out under the warm summer sunset on an old wooden dock overlooking the reflecting water of the ocean, he was going to lose the best thing in his life with just a couple words that made him realize so much more.

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Anyways, this is just the first chapter to sort of introduce everything and ease into the nest chapter that'll have a LOT of angst in it so heads up, but I hope this first chapter was good and I can't wait to write the next!))

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