Ishiki POV

Sometimes, life can just be shit.

All the time.

Like, no good, at all. Sometimes it's all bad that you try and convince yourself that the not so bad things were actually good, so that you can learn to live with it; accept it. Even if they know...shit, and you believe all the havoc happening is good, like it was supposed to be some kind of life lesson or a sign of some higher being, but really, it's just you being ignorant, complacent, or really, really stupid, especially if a specific predicament happens over and over again.

"Seriously? That douchebag didn't pay you again?" I rubbed at my temples as my father sat quietly at the dinner table, prodding with his food, "Dad, just quit being his side kick! It doesn't have to be this way!" My uncle was walking shit on a stick, he couldn't be where he is today without my father, like, seriously. There are so many possibilities of what my dad could do! First being, of course, outing the flaming pile of dookie, publicly. It would definitely topple him off his high horse, but throughout the years, my father has done nothing but allow all the maltreatment he's getting.

Father has not been paid properly the last 2 years and honest to God, even I had to approach the guy during a family banquet, and he just ignored me! Just like the piece of shit he was, apparently! He's being this big of an asshole to his own older brother. I'm a younger brother myself, so I get how I'd dispute with my own older sibling from time to time, but I would never do that to my own sister. Rather, maybe, I'd even spoil her, because she's my older sister God damn it! And I love her.

Anyway, I refuse to allow my life to circle around him, he doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve any clout, especially anymore than the overwhelming amount he already gets. Does no one literally question him? His home life? Because all I can say is that I've never met his son outside of events, as kids, sure, we did, but as soon as he was 4, he never came back for any more visits, and you can already guess why. His son has three siblings but God knows where they are.

The kid's been kept in some sort of strict house arrest and been kept under strict watch all his life, mans literally can't give even an ounce of compassion for his son and it's appalling. If the media heard about the bull that happens inside his agency, he's done for. Gone, poof.

"All you ever do is cover for him. Dad, I don't get it, I know you're his older brother, but that doesn't mean he can just step all over you, that's just not how it works! I know full well you would never allow Atsusa or I to treat each other that way, so why are you allowing this literal hazard to prance around?" I'm just tired of this shit. I could always do the exposing myself, but this is a vendetta concerning my dad and his brother; don't wanna crash that party, people would bash me for sticking my nose into a problem I wasn't involved with, and would most likely get punted from this shitty circus of a telenovela. I sighed. This is why I didn't want to become a sidekick, among other reasons. Both my parents were and honestly, my dad's got it worse than my mom, and my mom's case was already pretty shit; her boss doesn't at all even try to even give her a chance at actual field work, just because she was a woman. What kind of sick mind scape does that fuddy-duddy prude man live in? One where women apparently don't have quirks? One where women cant protect themselves or others?

Maybe that's why he was never high in the ranks—oops.

If I was going to be a hero, I would make sure I'd have my own agency where no one has to be treated like shit, because no one deserves that. No one has the right to be an asshole to people who've done nothing but try their best in doing what they can, in following orders, even if their so-called, hero, was a tax evader who launders money and wouldn't even pay his damn employees, even if he was basically rolling in it. People deserve better and my uncle deserves to rot in hell. Someone who apparently was caring so, so much about others, and trying to save so many people, and you're not even taking care of what people you already have in your life? What's the point?

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