Even the stars fall for you

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March 3rd
My parents returned, though I still saw Steve it wasn't the same. I felt like I was married to him those past few months with a nice house and "husband" that kissed me when he came home. My parents did make a few weekend trips so I was able to see him. I didn't see Paul again, since that day in the ally way. I don't even know if he's alive. I got the impression from Darry that Steve, Sodapop and and Two-Bit beat him pretty hard. In a month Steve would be 19 I couldn't wait until I turned 18. I could move in with Steve as long as my grades as I kept my grades up senior year.
Soda said Sandy was coming up from Florida to visit with her parents. I wasn't sure how I felt about Sandy, she was nice I suppose and Soda's girlfriend but Steve told me she cheated on the only girl Soda loved and was going marry and was knocked up. Soda was gonna have to she her walking around town with her baby boy.

March 6th
The DX was so busy this weekend. it felt like as soon as Sandy's plane landed everyone needed gas or somethin' on their car fixed. Steve's break couldn't come any sooner. we walked to the Dingo to grab lunch for Soda Steve and I.
He spun me around as we walked on the road twisting and twirling our laughter filled the streets. picking me up with gentle but strong arms he continued to dance among the streets.
Hi Steve a voice said from behind us. Steve surprised to hear a female voice turned around.
Hi..... Sandy
How have you two been?
Steve quickly put me down. good, good he answered.
That's always nice to hear.
He held me tightly.
I guess I should get going. it was nice to see you.
You to Steve said.

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