Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

I took a sip of the dark coffee, it's strong taste washing over my tongue. I watched her silently, she didn't see me but I was watching. Watching the way she fiddled with the ends of her hair and watching the way she constantly checked the time on her watch. Like she was going to be late for something that never seems to happen. I don't think she has ever noticed me, with my casual clothing and light features. That's what makes me perfect for the job, I won't draw attention to myself. I work in a facility in which every person is in charge of protecting someone else from danger. My person is "Ro Davis." A lovely girl with long dark hair and green eyes, she doesn't have many friends and prefers a good book over a movie. At this point anyone would think I'm a massive stalker, but this is my job and I do it well. I have to protect Ro from everything, when her parents vanished from the face of the earth they left a hell of a mess behind. Her father was big in the trafficking business, her mother just stood idly by. Anyway, the people he worked with assumed he left his daughter to the business, so I have to protect her from all of that and trust me it's a lot. 

*3 hours later*

I have to say for a girl that lives on her own she has a pretty large home, all by herself in Long Island. I take a bite of the sandwich I picked up from a cafe near her house. The melted cheese and heated ham taste great together. I was watching around her house making sure that no unexpected visits pop up. I spoke to soon, a large van drove up and parked behind me. Three men climbed out and banged on her door, I climbed out of my car and went towards there's. I sliced the tires, and watched them silently. 

Ro's POV

The loud banging of my door snapped me out of my book. I groaned loudly and tossed the book onto the couch. I pulled my maroon sweater over my white crop top and went to answer the door. I peered through the window, three large men were standing there "Umm can I help you?" I asked "Ro Davis?" One man said "Um yes" I replied the man nodded. The man lifted his foot and banged on the door until it came off. My eyes widened in fear as he reached for me, I ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door. I looked around frantically, I found my phone and tucked it in my pocket along with a wad of cash. I opened up the window and looked down, there was a massive amount of vines growing here so it should be enough for me to climb down. I carefully climbed down the vines, when I reached a foot or two above the ground I let go. I began to run again, turning back to see if I was being followed. I wasn't, when I turned forward I bumped into a man who grabbed my forearms. He wasn't as big as the other guys but he was strong as hell. I figured he was just back up for the other men "No! No! Let go of me!" I screamed, the guy turned me around placing a hand over my mouth. His lips were near my ear "Be quiet, I'm not them" he said as he backed up into a small blue car. He looked around and pushed me into the car gently. He than climbed in himself and began to drive like hell was following him. "Who the hell was that!" I asked "I don't know ask your father" he said softly "My father? I don't know where he is! Somewhere in Texas I think" I said. "My name is Harry" he said softly "I'm your protector" he said "What do you mean?" I asked "If anything bad happens to you I am supposed to help" he said "Wait so, you have been following me around?" I asked he nodded. I was officially scared and confused "Listen Ro, I know this may be a lot for you to take in but you need to trust me. Okay?" I don't know if it was his tone or just an effect he had on me but I wanted to trust him "Okay." I said

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