Chapter 1: Waking up.......

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theirs a part in this chapter that may seem inappropriate...just keep reading....ok?

I woke up........I didn't remember anything, It was snowing like nothing I've ever seen. So I ran to a old looking barn in the middle of a broken down ranch.

I looked at my clothes...I was wearing black Converse, Black skinny jeans and a light purple shirt. I had a belt on my side with a Beretta 9mm and a Long strait bladed knife.

My hair was a dark copper and it flowed down my back freely. I also had a big belt strapped to my back and...there was a huge black sword on my back.

no wonder my back hurts.... I thought to myself. The blade had to be 3 feet long, so no suprise it would be heavy. I looked down at my chest, there was a locket with my supposed name in it.....Erin. That was my name. Erin...... I could tell just by reading it. After 10 minutes I finally got the situation I was in.

"Its cold in here..." I whispered. The air was like little needles pricking my skin every time the wind gusted. My breath looked like cigar smoke out of a old rich mans mouth.

Yea this is defiantly not a regular blizzard...even with my Amnesia....this is the biggest storm ever, no way humans can live happy like this... I thought Absently.

I was cold and bored so I decided to burn the old clothing in the barn. The fire kept me warm but I could still feel the cold on my back, like a shadow looming to kill me.

"I wish I had a coat...maybe a jacket...anything to keep me warm...". I complained for about another hour before sleep took over......


I woke up shivering....the cold I hated it. Well cold is ok, but not this. I looked around for any food or water. I looked around till I found a pack and something else, were I woke up in the snow.

I got up and sprinted to the pack quickly. My stiff limbs burned like fire, from under use. But I pushed on, and when I got there I grabbed the pack and a big blanket on the ground.

I wraped the blanket around me, and but the bag on my shoulder and ran back to the barn. When I got in there I dropped to the ground and just hugged myself for heat.

"s-s-so c-cold...", I quietly talked myself into moving. When I did move again I found that my fire was blazing big....

and in the fire was the food clothing matchs coat and reminents of the pack. I quickly took out the salvagble food and the coat. I put the coat on after I put it out completly,

half of it was burnt off but lucky me...the coat was huge on me so it went to about my waistline. I quickly ate the food that I could, a peice of beef jerky and some sweets.

The water was about 7 feet away from the fire so it was saved...froze but saved....I put the 2 water bottles by the fire to melt. i was so cold and tired I layed down on the blanket and fell asleep ones more..................


I woke up to feel a blade as icey as the outside on my neck. I slowly opened my eyes despite the heavy vail sleep had on them. "Hello pretty Girly!", Said a overly happy man.

"What are we going to do with her, Sire?". Said the man with the cold knife, "BREAK HER!". Yelled a third man psychotically. "Hmmm....she is very pretty....We will do it one at a time....then kill her!".

Said the overlyhappy man...he was wearing blue jeans with a heavy black coat. I reached for my missing gun and knife...I knew they took it, like the theifs they are.

My swords weight was gone too. The guy with the knife started to take off my hoodie, I screamed and kicked for all its worth. He finally got my hoodie off and started to go for my shirt.

black-coat  took off my shoes and socks and worked on my belt. He got my belt off and started to unbotton my pants....I screamed one last time before it was cut off by a deeper one.


A guy in all black tore off both my molesters and started to beat them senseless. He took out a knife and started to....gut black-coat a deer. I threw up all my small meal and scrambled away, from the screams. The sickest thing was....he was smiling....SMILING....while he killed the guy.

He finally let the dead black-coats body be. He then took out a gun and shot the other guys knee caps. "Get you stuff...he will take awhile ill explain evething in the car...".

Said a girl in a freindly voice. She had hair as brown as wood and eyes as blue as the sky. "Y-y-your name?...". I asked, " come on!".

I got up with the help of Skye, and got my clothes back on. I followed her to a Chevy Avalanche that was a navy blue. Skye gestured for me to sit in the front.

Which I did, and the seat was as warm as a blanket. When she got into the car I got a good look at Skye.

She had on black winter boots. Black jeans and a turquoise shirt with a dark blue hoodie over it. She quickly threw on a light red snow coat.

"Well ok....about six years ago there was a huge blizzard, called 'The Winter destruction' and it put all of North America in a lockdown....then 3 days later the whole worlds covered in snow up to 5 inches and adding....then power went out and all the jizz.....And now were here...oh I almost, forgot whats your name?".

She talks a lot I noted. "Erin...I am 18...." I responded quietly. I couldn't believe it,Then all of a sudden the guy in all black jumped  in the car. "Hello, my name is Atticus". his name is familiar......

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