First appointment

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A/n- hey my loves! I really need to stop starting new fics and not finishing them but i hope you enjoy this! Also I'm not a dentist but I'm in a medical program at my school so kinda know some stuff haha. Anyway hope you enjoy this. Love you!!

Warning- cursing, dentist things, love and bad writing

"Y/n?" A deep voice interrupts the silence of the waiting room of the dentist office. Y/n picks her head up at the sound of her voice eyes finding a young looking man in black scrubs and a charming warm smile. Y/n stands up to follow the young doctor to where she will be having her check up,  "We're going to take some x-rays if that's alright with you. " y/n nods her head before answering verbally "yeah, of course" the doctor stops at a door that says 'x-ray' on the door and asks "don't take this the wrong way but are you pregnant? Not that i think that you are just that we can't do the x-rays if you are, it can hurt you and the baby." Harry rambles making y/n laugh a nervous laugh "no, I'm not pregnant x-ray away" Harry nods his head before opening the door and waits for the young woman to enter the room so he could follow. "If you could please take a seat on the chair there i will get all this set up and i promise we'll be out of here in no time" Harry says noticing y/n' slightly worried look.

Y/n takes a seat in the tall chair that looks way to big to fit her and holds her hands nervously as the doctor places a heavy blue apron like gown with a smile. Harry could smell her floral perfume as he connects the velcro to the back of her neck of the other part of the gown. He thought she was beautiful at first look but he knew he would be crossing boundaries with his job and it would be very unprofessional of him to do so.

Today was the first day of Harry's new job as a dentist assistant. He's waited all his life to be in this position,after years of schooling and to say that he's dentist assistant is an achievement that he will forever cherish. Of course his first patient had to be a beautiful young woman, he wanted to talk to her get to know her and ask for her number but then he remembered that he was at work and he didn't want to lose his job on the first day. No one ever warned him that he would get patient who was hot as fuck.

Harry looks at the gorgeous woman in front of him and smiles at her y/n returns the smile thinking of it as a kind gesture but in the inside she wished it wasn't. When y/n saw harry for the first time she thought that anyone with the right mind and eyes would she thought he was hot as fuck and wondering what a young beautiful man was doing in a dentist office filled with people with gross teeth issues but i guess that's what makes first dates fun. Yes she just 'met' this man and was already planning their first date don't worry about it.

Harry turns and puts some hand sanitizer on before placing some gloves and picking up the plastic piece that will go in her mouth slipping a plastic sleeve and turning back to his patient. "Open please" y/n opens her mouth for the hottie- the doctor who was doing his job, places the uncomfortable spongey plastic in the back of her mouth where he could get a good picture of her molars. Harry then brings the camera to the side the wires were on putting it in place as well. Once in place  he steps out of the room to the wall with a button, he presses the button making it take a picture.

Harry then comes back in the room to remove the wires in her mouth to bring them to the front "open again darling" darling the nickname and his accent made her want to drop to her knees in a love and a wanting to suck his big cock way. She opens again looking straight in man's green eyes Harry noticed how she was looking at him and swallowed trying not to imagine her on her knees in front of him but it was hard his cock and trying not to look into her beautiful eyes.

Once the sponge was in the front of her cheek he left again to take the x- ray picture once again, he comes back in the room "open please, thank you love" Harry repeats the x-ray pictures on the other side and then moves the camera away and takes the sponge out removing the plastic sleeve and hooking it back to where it was before use. Harry then takes the heavy gown off of y/n grabbing a sensitized wipe wiping the gown down making it ready for use hooking it on the hook then throwing the wipe away. Y/n stands up while Harry grabs another wipe to wipe down the chair she was sitting in wanting to keep everything clean.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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