introduction .

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"Given the proper cermonstance your-honor my client was proven to be ordering breakfast around the time the car was stolen.", you said while standing up

"As we already had the store owner for questioning and video proof we can sum that Mr.Williams is innocent.", you said as you finished moving through your power point.

"OBJECTION.. excuse me I mean objection your-honor", Hange the other lawyer working along side of her client said.

Judge Levi Ackerman nobs as you walks back over to your seat. "Given that the two clients are twins that could easily be my client", Hange said as she has run out of ideas to win this case.

You careless but professional rise your hand, waiting for approval to speak. Judge Ackerman nobs once's again and let you plead your case.

"As you know, we already pulled the credit card files used at said breakfast shop", you said while handing Levi the files on paper.

"But to just prove that's is really my client", you said while turning back to your power point.

"Mr.Williams has a birthmark on his left hand, which he used to hand over the card.", you said while zooming in on the photo.

Mr.Williams who quickly realized this rose his hands for the whole court to see that he indeed has said birthmark.

You smile softly and continue. "As for the other Mr.Williams I'm guessing he has what no birth mark", you said while looking over at Hange and her client with a smile.

"damn show off", Hange said under her breath while trying to stay professional.

"Ahh both citizens in question would you mind holding up both your left hands", Judge Levi said while sliding some papers over.

Your client with zero hesitation moved his hand up once again, as Hanges slowly moved his hand up in defeat.

"I've seen enough. With the Twin Car theft case and the hospitalizing of Grace Rivers Mr.Williams is prove.. Guilty *BANG* case closed", Levi said while pointing over in Hanges direction.

"WE DID IT THANK GOD", your client jumped up as the he was now proven innocent.

"Mr.Williams please calm down you can celebrate outside of court.", you said while having a celebration of your own inside.

"No really thank you Ms.l/n we really appreciate it we've been having problems with Sams brother Sammy for years now.", the mother of Mr.Williams thanked you.

"Oh please you can call me y/n and I'm just glad I could be of some help", you said honestly while shaking all the family members hands.

"Does she ever smile", the younger sister of the family asked as they were walking away. "She was proven to ever only smile during court", your Client said as they slowly faded away.

It was true, you honestly felt like smile was a waste of time but you could never control it when it came to winning your case with ease.

"Nice job once again boss", your assignment Sasha said from behind you. "Would you want me to start up the car for our leave.", she asked while turning off her tablet.

"That would be great yes, I'll join you in a few.", you said bluntly as Sasha nodded and walked away.

"ILL ESCAPE, YOU FUCKING PEOPLE CANT HOLD ME FOREVER.", Sammy Williams, Hanges client screamed while trying to get out his handcuffs and officers grip.

"AND YOU.. you.. your gonna end up like that old lady Grace that I ran over, no better yet.. YOUR GONNA LOSE YOUR JOB", Sammy said to you while being rushed off by officers.

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