One BRule never bring mayo to a fruit party

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        One spicy night, a bish named only by brule arose for his bed to check his email. While scrolling through files, a glowing icon appears from the bottom of the screen. He wonders "Who could be messaging me some dank may may's at this time?" When he clicks on League he see that an uncommmonly uncommon common girl has messaged him. After seeing she had messaged him he goes half chub (a half erect half soft Wang). She wrote, "Jtrider and Faze Dijon have been telling me alot about your 17 itcher, and I was wondering if i could get my dick wet too xDDDDDDD, I want to get to know you a bit more winky face winky face winky face. Brule at this time was harder than diamond, all he wanted was the sweet puun and muff sandwich. Without any resent he responds. "Yes, bish come hop on pop winky face and call me daddy winky face". 

End of part one 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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