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Akai's POV:

After just seeing my sister Link, I start to head out of BC Sol. Getting in there without permission was hard enough but getting out should be easier. As I clinch my unknown Beyblade in my pocket never seen by anyone else I jump the fence and start to make my way to this huge wall. The only way out is threw a passageway that only me and my sister know, after taking brick by brick out of the wall to uncover a door a familiar voice comes from my left.

"Just let me in!" Says a stubborn voice. Then out of no where a Magenta haired girl passes threw, heading towards the voice. I take a few steps forward in interest on how this will play out. Then Volt Ahoy comes in with a grand flip over the Magenta haired girl, missing his landing I run towards my old friend from Japan and catch not only Volt by his hoodie but the girl falling down by the hand. When I first looked into her deep blue eyes I let go of Volt and pull her up.

"Are you ok miss?" I ask.

"I am so so-" Volt said almost finishing his sentence.

"Hey! WHO ARE YOU?" said the two men standing on guard. I take one last look at the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and run off.

Chris's POV:

As I was falling a very attractive woman caught me by the hand. Her hair was black and white and her eyes deep blood red. To be honest she looked like one of my Bladers. Link I think it was, just a bit older. I look down at the boy with blue hair and ask him for his name.

"Volt. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to trip you." He says in the most convincing way.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Chris the owner of BC Sol and I am happy to meet you Volt." I reply "By any chance, do you know who that amazing person was. The one who caught me?" I ask.

"O, yeah. They looked like an old pal of mine from Japan. And you won't believe what they do." he says looking up winking at the sky. I turn around to see my guards right there asking and shaking their heads. My lip reading skills aren't perfect but it looked like they were saying "Where did she go?".

Volt's POV:

As I wink and Akai, signaling that I was alright she takes off and jumps off the wall. I heard that Link was also here and even tho I was inspired by Sho to come here I didn't think that the legendary 0 would be here. Back at home we call Link Akari "Zero" because even tho they aren't on the top five leader boards she is the best of the best. Akai Akari, now you don't see her anywhere. She is always in her lab making new designs for Beyblade Stadiums. Every stadium in the world is designed by her, when she was 10 she lost her parents in a car crash, the last thing her parents left her was 10,000 dollars. She spend that money creating an improved Meyblade stadium. The Millionaire that bought that stadium then adopted and funded Akai's work, that millionaire is very old now but is happy to say that Akai and Link are his children. I wonder if Akai has a Beyblade now, she stopped blading after the car crash and mostly focused on work. 

Sorry that this is a little short, I hope that everyone has a great Spring Break. I will be uploading  every Wednesday, btw this was really short and sucky let me know what you think down in the comments. 

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