Authors Note

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Okay, let's be real honest here.

I've loved Twilight ever since I first read it at the age of twelve. I practically lived, breathed and slept the epic story of Bella and Edward. I spent months with my nose buried in those books, I took them everywhere, I was a die hard twi-hard.

Yes, it's all very embarrassing.

But my love for the series does not diminish my understanding of how very problematic they are. Unfortunately, there are a lot of religious tones in throughout the novels, which, is understandable given that the author is Mormon. However, while I don't have any issue with religion, I do take issue with the resulting misogyny, racism, lack of diversity and purist attitude.

For example:

Bella's wardrobe (let's be real, who wears an ankle-length skirt and is described as "utterly indecent").

Renee being portrayed as an absent mother/non-family figure.

Edward's internalized self-hatred and belief about souls (I do give him some credit on this, since he's over a hundred years old).

Charlie being portrayed as an incapable man, unable to cook or care for himself.

Representation of the Indigenous Quileute tribe.

Lack of diversity; sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, race, etc.

These are just a few examples of things I hope to change, while keeping the original magic of the story and the characters that first made me fall in love with literature.

Should I continue to rewrite the entire saga, I will also probably be removing the pregnancy—or at least, the imprinting of a minor.

If interested, here is a really interesting article speaking out about the Indigenous representation. Although this article addresses the film, New Moon, much of the concepts remain from the original books.

I will also be modernizing the series. In 2005, smart phones and texting wasn't normalized yet, and certainly not in a smaller town. This is not problematic, just something I wanted to add to my own interpretation of the series and how it might be impacted by digital and social media.

Please be patient with me, this is a very large project and I will do my best to update diligently.

If you have feedback or suggestions, changes to the plot you'd like to see or ideas for better representation, please leave a comment! Or message me! I want this project to be inclusive and enjoyable for all.

Thank you!!! ♡

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