One Trick Pony

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Name: (y/n) (l/n)

Age 16

Quirk: (Orbit) allows him to lift himself and any unfortunate objects within a 100 foot radius into the air. Once he's in the air anything effected by his quirk will begin to circle around him at incredible speeds.

(Y/n)'s POV

What can I say about UA high that everyone doesn't already know? It's the most prodigious school for those wishing to become heros, they waste a whole bunch of money on fake cities and robots, and they're the target for a lot of villain attacks. What's not to love about it?

Yeah, though it was my dream as a kid, I actually decided not to enroll in UA. Yes, I wanted to be a hero, but with my quirk I didn't really think I had a chance of getting in. All my quirk does is lift objects into the air and make them orbit around me, that's it.

All my life I've had people tell me how cool my power is, but I could never really see the usefulness in it. Seriously, one time I tried to use my quirk like telekinesis to grab a jar of jelly off the counter, but sense my power only work by making objects orbit around me, it went slamming into the wall at high speed, making a huge mess to clean up. That and the closer an object gets to me, the faster it's orbit becomes.

Some of you may think I'm being stupid and that my power is amazing, and others may understand my reasoning, but ever since my quirk manifested nobody's ever tried to change how I feel about my power...except for one person. An upbeat, pink skinned social butterfly known only as Mina Ashido.

Ever since she found out what my quirk was and how I felt about it she's made it her personal mission to make me more confident in it, going as far as to give me a hero name herself, "Sputnik"

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Ever since she found out what my quirk was and how I felt about it she's made it her personal mission to make me more confident in it, going as far as to give me a hero name herself, "Sputnik". Not only is she extremely persistent, but I've also known her since middle school, so this has been going on for a while.

Currently, I was outside of a cafe, waiting for said girl to show up. I looked down at my phone, no texts.

(Y/n): where the hell his she?

Just then I felt a pair of hands reach around from behind me and cover my eyes.

???: guess who!

I chuckled a bit before grabbing her wrists, uncovering my eyes, and turning around.

(Y/n): hey, Mina.

She smiled

Mina: well, you gonna treat me or what?


She let out a giggle.

Mina: calm down, I'm just kidding.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

(Y/n): let's just go in.

I opened the door, letting her inside first.

One Trick Pony (Mina Ashido X Male Reader) Oneshot Where stories live. Discover now