Chapter 1

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“Fredrick Gideon Weasley! What have you done to this sweet girl?!” Molly was really gonna lose it when I finished telling her everything.
“I know that when he cheated on me it was a mistake, Mrs. Weasley, I forgave him already I just can’t be with him. There is one more thing though...I’m pregnant. I don’t know if it’s Fred’s or Draco’s but Draco already made it clear that he would not be a father to my child and Fred told me to come home with him. That’s it, that’s all I have to say.” Why did I tell her? I should have just gone home with Neville. My brother already knew, and he accepted me and the baby. Merlin, why do I never think. 
“Well, Dianna, you are always welcome here. You need to find out who the father is as soon as you can because we can not afford another baby, so if the child is not Fred’s we won’t be able to help you dear. I’m sorry.” 
I did not know my heart could drop that low. He’s the one who cheated, he gave me no choice, I had to get payback because I still love him. This was a mistake, I have to get out of this house. Even though Molly said I’m welcome, I have never felt more unwanted. 
“You’re right. I need to find out as soon as possible. I’m only staying one night here so you won’t have to worry about me for long. Neville is going to be there for me, so I’ll be fine.” I can feel my eyes begin to burn and I can feel the tears fall on my cheeks. 
“Oh Dianna I didn’t mean to upset you, I-”
“No Mrs. Weasley, I’m fine, really I’m just gonna go take a nap.” I can’t be in that kitchen for another second longer. 

“Watch out, you could’ve knocked me over.”
“Sorry love, mum just called for me. What happened dear? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?”
“No Freddie, I’m fine. I told your mother everything.”
“What did she say to you? I don’t care what it was, you can stay here no matter what.”
“Fred, I’m leaving tomorrow. I don’t feel welcome here and I won’t stay in a place where I am made to feel like a burden.” Great now I’m sobbing and Fred is here, I can not take this anymore I just want to disappear.
“Hey, love, look up. Look at me. It’s okay. Let’s go to my room.” I don’t want to move, no, I can’t move.
“Alright, you made me do this Dianna.” Next thing I know I’m being picked up by Freddie and I’m laughing. How can he do that? How does he make me go from sobbing, not able to move and wishing I did not exist to laughing my ass off and feeling seen?
“That’s my girl. I would throw you on my bed, but I don’t want to hurt our baby.”
He’s perfect. I miss him so much. Why can’t I just get over the fact that he slept with Angelina Johnson? George got over it and he loves Angelina. As soon as I stop thinking I look up and to my favorite ginger, inches away from his lips. I put my hand on his cheek, he looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I felt like I was home, every time I looked at him I knew I was home. I started to lean closer, filling the small gap. Fred starts to lean in more and right as we are about to kiss, Molly yells for him again.

“Sorry love, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I know we broke up and I cheated, I just really miss you be-” There was still a spark, every time I kissed him I could still feel that spark. I love him so much, I really think it’s time to forgive him. 
“Fredrick Gideon Weasly! If I have to call you one more time I wi-”
“I’m coming mum!”
“Freddie, I…”
“What is it dear?”
“I still love you.”
“Well, aren't you luck because I am still madly in love with you, Dianna Grace.” And just like that my heart skipped a beat. He had a giddy smile on his face as he walked out of the room he and George shared. 

I could hear Molly yelling at Fred, saying things like, “how could you be so stupid?! If it’s not yours, she’s not staying. Fred I will not tell you again. You are too young to be a father. How could you be so stupid, she’s muggle-born, how could you have sex with a muggle-born?”
With that final sentence I heard Fred punch something and then footsteps coming up the stairs. I got really scared because I didn’t know who it was or what I was going to do.

“Get up Dianna. I have to pack my bag and then we are leaving.”
“Freddie what happened?” I asked as I stood up quickly because I had never seen him this mad before.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Is your bag packed up still?”
“Yes Freddie, I never got the chance to unpack.”
“Perfect go grab it, nevermind I see it on George’s bed. Why is it on George’s bed?”
“Because I was lying down on yours.” 
“Right, can you help me pack love?” 
“Can you tell me why you're packing?”
“I told you not to worry about it dear. Please, grab some of my clothes and put them in the suitcase.”
I started to help him pack because I figured what Molly had said was the reason that Fred was so ready to leave. I asked him if I should go get George but he said that I should keep packing and he would go talk to him. I was packing his suitcase when I heard footsteps again and I assumed it was Fred, I was wrong.

“Freddie, I finished, oh. Hi Mrs. Weasley.”
“Dianna, think about Fred. He has a future. Do you really want to ruin that by having a baby? It might not be his, you really need to figure this out and think about everyone you are affecting. Are you even thinking about our future?”
“No I’m not. I’m thinking about my future and my baby's future. I never wanted to come here, Fred is the one who said I should, maybe you should talk to your son before blaming everything on me. Now if you don’t mind, I will be leaving today.”
Molly left the room and I heard two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs and I knew that was Fred and George. 

“Did she say something to you love?”
“No Freddie, she was looking for you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Fred if a pregnant woman tells you something, you don’t question her.”
“Thank you Georegie.”
“Did you pack my bag as well Dianna?”
“No George, I didn’t know you were coming?”
“Well did you really expect me to let my brother and my best friend leave without me? No way.”
George started packing his bag, Fred grabbed mine and his. George finished packing quite quickly, and we headed out. 

Word count: 1217

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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