Druhá časť: Vzostup

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Drifting through the halls with the sunrise

(Holding on for your call)

Climbing up the walls for that flashing light

(I can never let go)

'Cause I'm gonna be free and I'm gonna be fine

(Holding on for your call)

'Cause I'm gonna be free and I'm gonna be fine

(Maybe not tonight)

Now the sun is up and I'm going blind

(Holding on for your call)

Another drink just to pass the time

(I can never say no)

It's a different kind of danger

And the bells are ringing out

And I'm calling for my mother

As I pull the pillars down

It's a different kind of danger

And my feet are spinning around

Never knew I was a dancer

'Till Delilah showed me how

Too fast for freedom

Sometimes it all falls down

These chains never leave me

I keep dragging them around

Now I'm dancing with Delilah and her vision is mine

(Holding on for your call)

A different kind of danger in the daylight

(I can never let go)

Took anything to cut you, I can find

(Holding on for your call)

A different kind of a danger in the daylight

(Can't you let me know?)

Now it's one more boy and it's one more lie

(Holding on for your call)

Taking the pills just to pass the time

(I can never say no)

Delilah - Florence + The Machine


Mám rada predely častí v knihách, no a na wattpade je to... komplikovanejšie na prevedenie. Tak som sa rozhodla šupnúť Vám sem pesničky, čo ma inšpirovali a hodia sa mi ku častiam. Teraz si čakanie môžte spríjemniť hudbou!😊

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