𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙉𝙤𝙬

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Angsts wont be having any summarys sorry lol😈😈


"M-man that was amazing!" I said while my breathing was hitchy "yea you were so good!" Jean spoke as he put his arms around my waist "how long has it been sense we've done it?" I asked trying to remember it had atleast been months ago "now that I think about it I dont know probably 6 months ago." He put his fingers in his chin "yeah school really did take a toll on our time huh!" I said gently kissing Jean's lips "yeah I missed feeling you do you know how hard it's been watching that body and not being able to touch it!?!" Jean dramatically spoke making me laugh he was so foolish "alright I think we need a shower." I giggled "only if it's with you!" He said tightening his grip on my waist "fine!" I jokingly said "yay!" He smiled happily

We got in the shower I put shampoo all over Jean's hair "I love you jean!" I soflty spoke "I love you more!" There he was always making a competion about anything even love "no I do!" I hugged his waist from the back "really cause I dont think that's true!" He smirked I just rolled my eyes as I stood on my tippy toes "owyy!" Jean said holding his eyes "thats what you get for leaving your eyes open when theres shampoo running down your face!" I said in a motherly way giggling he just pouted I stood on my tippy toes sense he was taller then me and started to massage his hair getting the shampoo out

It was my turn now he looked at me down and started to shampoo my hair while i smiled with my eyes closed then i felt a hand on my ass "you pervert!!" We both chuckled "god what did I do to deserve you?" Jean asked as he massaged my hair softly "everything jean you know I love you soo badly!" I turned around my eyes open now that the shampoo was gone "I want to marry you!" He kissed my forehead "really were barely 18!" I giggled "when were older dumbass! I'll marry you and make you the happiest woman alive we'll have a girl and a boy and soon become old together and be those cute old couples that dance on the beach!" He laughed and so did I

That was 2 years ago me and jean are now 20 and happily together after we finished highschool we moved in together in a small apartment that was pretty comfortable I'm getting ready right now today's my birthday I'm turning 21 today me and jean are going on a date its 4 PM were meeting at my favorite cafe that's near the highschool we used to go to that's were I first got introduced to jean my friend sasha had introduced him to me and that's how we met I wanted go there with him he went out 2 hrs ago to do something he told me to meet him at the cafe at 6PM I wore a pink dress sense jean said I looked good in the said color it was a dress that stopped at my ankles it was soft and puffy at the end on the top it had thin straps I also wore some makeup not to much because i prefer natural makeup some pink lip stick and mascara did the trick i curled my hair a bit (sorry if you already have curly hair you can pretend you straighten it) I wore some heels that were white they weren't high ones tho I didnt really like those type of heels there uncomfy and last but not least i added the necklaces that jean gave me when we were 19 it has the letter j on it that stands for Jean and he has one just like mine but with the first letter of my own name as soon as I got ready I got my white purse that matched my heels and left the apartment I drove to the cafe which was 9 minutes away from our apartment I sat down on an empty seat waiting for jean "hello ma'am would you like to order?" A kind gentleman with blonde hair that stopped to his jaw and blue eyes said with a kind soft gentle smile planted on his face "o-oh thank you but I'm actually waiting for someone!" I smiled "oh! That's alright dont worry I'll come back in a bit just incase you need anything ok dont mind asking for help in anyways!" He nicely told me I just nodded with a smile

A couple of minutes went past and Jean wasnt here yet maybe he went to get me flowers? He always bout me flowers on special days I wonder what he got me for this birthday

An hour passed it was 5:30 now I "ma'am do you need anything?" The gentleman from before asked me with small consurne "n-no thank you though." I said with a worried face what was taking Jean so long?

It was 6 PM

Jean was no where to be found

I decided to call him

No answer

I got out of the cafe looking around standing outside there was bearly people in the cafe but an old couple and a mom with her twin kids a boy and a girl

"I'll marry you and make you the happiest woman alive we'll have a girl and a boy and soon become old together and be those cute old couples that dance on the beach!"

Jean's words from 2 years ago hit me a little frown formed on my face why was he here? Hes never been late to my birthday dates



Its raining

Small raindrops made it's way onto my body I just stood there thinking about jean

Jean where are you?

Soon enough everyone was gone no more people were in the cafe

All gone

I stood there the rain had become heavy

My eyes teary but the tears didnt fall

"I had a great time!" As I heard that voice I turned to my left and saw



A girl

He was kissing her lips!?

The tears in my eyes left trailing down my face nonstop

"H-how could you!" I yelled Jean and the girls head turned straight to see me "y-y/n what are you doing here?!?" Jean asked with panic in his voice "DID YOU FUCKING FORGET IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY!?!?!?!?" I yelled crying "b-babe!" Jean said I could hear the crack in his voice he pushed the girl aside and came up to me "i-is this why you've been distant you've been with this bitch!" I asked angrily the tears in my eyes wouldn't stop coming there was a big aching in my heart it hurt so badly "l-listen she doesn't mean shit to me your the only one-." I cut him off "if I meant so much you wouldn't have done this!" He stopped and stood in silence "baby." He tried reaching out to me but I slapped his hands off i took off the necklace he bout me "take this shit!!" I cried out I throw it on the ground and stomped on it I started to walk away "baby come back!" Jean spoke but i didnt listen i walked away soon running jean tried following me but soon stopped sense he wouldn't be able to catch up to me

I made it to my car got inside and cried

Cried and cried

Letting it all out







"I'll marry you and make you the happiest woman alive we'll have a girl and a boy and soon become old together and be those cute old couples that dance on the beach!"

𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔𝙾𝚗𝚃𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗(𝙻𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚜/𝚜𝚖$𝚝𝚜) 𝚇 𝙵𝚎𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now