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Days passed by like a blur, and before Juyeon knew it, a lot of days had already passed since he and Eunseo made up in their old childhood hang out place.

Today isn't any different from the others; it was still a busy day for him because of the overflowing classes and projects, the disorganized council meeting and the hasty avoidance by the person he has been dying to talk to. The only thing that keeps him going is the thought of his boyfriend and their planned movie date in the younger's apartment after school.

By the time he entered Chanhee's living room, he was already half an hour late and the latter is already starting the movie without him.

He didn't mind it. He's just glad that their date wasn't cancelled and he wasn't ditched.

(Everyone can tell that Juyeon still isn't used to this.)

A giggle escapes from Chanhee's mouth when Juyeon immediately dived in to plant soft kisses on the blonde's jaw, lips moving to capture Chanhee's own the second the latter stopped laughing.

It's always nice to come home to the smell of baby lotion and the feeling of soft, pouting lips pressed against his own. Juyeon is willing to go through the same pain and heartbreak he just went through if it means spending hours with his boyfriend and kissing him until he's breathless.

Indeed, love can make you do stupid things.

The blanket trapping Chanhee falls to the ground as Juyeon takes a seat beside him on the couch, lips still locked against each other.

Juyeon can never get enough of Chanhee's lips. They're just that sweet and addicting.

But he did pull away the moment he felt Chanhee climb in his lap, eliciting a whine from the slightly younger boy. Juyeon lets out a small laugh when he sees his lover chase his lips again but to no avail.

"I thought we're going to watch a movie?"

The television playing a scene from a romantic film that Juyeon isn't familiar with is soon blocked by Chanhee's blonde locks, permed hair styled cutely that made him look more innocent. "Don't bother. It's boring, anyway." He says as he starts to leave feathery kisses on the side of his neck.

It's all too familiar, Juyeon thinks — the way Chanhee cradles his face, the way the kisses start getting wetter and more desperate, the way his breathing becomes more ragged as each second passes by. Juyeon clearly knows how the other boy wants to spend the time with him tonight.

Juyeon gently holds both of the younger's hands and steers them away from his face, shifting his neck to remove Chanhee's lips from him in the process. "It's movie night, Hee."

Another whine. "I told you— it's boring. Let's do something else."

"I'm not really in the mood for that right now, baby."

"Then I'll make sure you'll be." The blonde grins, fisting the collar of Juyeon's shirt to prove his point. "Come on, Yeonie."

Hesitance was visible in Juyeon's face but it is immediately replaced with a stoic expression when the boy in his lap continues his ministrations, mouthing at Juyeon's neck as the hands on his shirt slowly travels inside and along the expanse of his toned stomach.

Juyeon just sits there, both hands holding his boyfriend's waist to steady him.

It's not like he doesn't want it. Sex with Chanhee has always been great, he will always stand by that, but he's not physically up to do it today. The day has been tiring for him; the only reason he sucked it up was because he expected a cuddle session to greet him once the day was over. That, and the fact that the only thing they do together these days is having sex.

Juyeon can't help but think that Chanhee is becoming more and more insatiable these days.

The blonde must have noticed how unresponsive he has been, because Chanhee stopped marking his collarbone in order to look at him with an arched brow. "You okay?"

"I'm just thinking, can't we just watch the movie and continue this later? I thought you wanted to wa—"

"Can't I change my mind?" Chanhee interrupts him. Juyeon swallows hard when he sees something vaguely hidden in Chanhee's eyes. He's disappointed. "What? You don't want me anymore, Yeonie?"

Juyeon is quick to shake his head. "What? No! I just think that—"

"Then why won't you respond to my kisses?" The other cuts him off again. "Are they not satisfactory?"

"Chanhee, it's not that. I'm just really tired right now. Can't we do something else in the meantime?" His voice becomes meeker and more silent as more words start to spill from his mouth. Chanhee's hands are still under his shirt, lips wet with spit as his hooded eyes look sharply at him. It's hard to speak his mind when his boyfriend is staring at him with an intense, unreadable expression. Juyeon is afraid of saying something that will disappoint Chanhee even more and create another rift between them.

"I love you." He adds, as a poor attempt to make the situation better. "I love this, but not now. Is that alright?"

The boy is still silently looking at him, as if he's still trying to digest Juyeon's words and think of an answer. Juyeon doesn't know what he should even do next.

Chanhee finally speaks up after a few seconds of torturous silence. "I've been waiting for you since this morning. I want you so bad, Yeonie, but I understand." He says, sighing as he gets off from Juyeon's lap. "I'm sorry for not being more understanding initially."

Juyeon bites his bottom lip. "I'm really sorry, Hee."

"Don't apologise." Chanhee waves him off. "It's alright."

But the slightly cold shoulder and the distance tells Juyeon everything he needs to know.

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