Some Thread and a needle

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Since our marriage, I have been working on a doll I am making, for our child, we will sure have a child some day, why not be ready for it when the time comes?

I love this doll, it is simple and plain , but I love it. Just finished the main body.  

One needle , thread, snip, needle, thread, snip. It now has a mouth, a smiling face. 

For eyes lets use buttons, they are easy to use. A blue crystal on one eye, a pink on the other. She looks marvelous.

She is just a a bunch of thread and needles right now, but she will get better with time.

"Am I interrupting?" A feminine voice sounded, oh yes, the beautiful daughter of my loved one's brother, Kalista.

"You kind of are, but I don't mind" 

"My queen, I only wanted to..."

"There is no need for formalities, my dear"

"Where is uncle?" 

"I think he is in the throne room"

"I looked there before coming here"

"Oh well, he must be somewhere , he was busy the moment he became king"

"You don't seem too busy as a queen"

"What do you mean?" 

"Making toys, that is something our servants should do"

"I know, my dear, but I just sometimes miss my childhood, crafting toys helps me remember and embrace the past"

"I think it is childish to waste your time on that, Isolde"

And with that, Kalista left.

Oh well, back to work, 

One needle, thread, snip, needle , thread , snip

 Oh I know what now, she needs some eyelashes, these will do just fine.

Let's get some paint, no, some make up. She wouldn't mind if I used mine, here, sweet cheeks. 

Her face is now perfect, wait, she an't be bald , she needs some hair, how about curly hair, yeah, long curly hair , make it blue , to stand out. 

It will take some time , it is hard to get the wool right. 

Use the brush to make it curly. Use the paint to make it blue.

It is too plain, let's put a flower on it, no , a flower would die slowly

A knot, yes, a knot would be beter, make them two, one for each plait of hers.

Alright, her head is finished, she is so cute

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