Chapter 1

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y/n's pov:

Who knew living in South Korea would be this hard I haven't even unpacked my things and I start work in a few hours. Today is my first day as an intern at SM Entertainment I wonder what my Job will be? I'm just glad I woke up 3 hours early so I can get ready and get there on time. I quickly showered and dried off and put on a robe so I wouldn't get makeup on my outfit. After I did my makeup all neutral and curled my hair it was time to put on my outfit

 After I did my makeup all neutral and curled my hair it was time to put on my outfit

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                      {you're wearing this}

I ran outside it was weather was perfect there was minimal traffic so you could hear the birds chirping and see light blue skys. All the food vendors around me as I walked to work smelt so good and sweet with long lines so I guess they have very delicious food. I walked to the bus stop and I waited there for the 7:10am bus it was only 6:59 but I must get there on time so I could make a good impression on my boss. 

Once my bus arrived I sat in a seat towards the front next to another a young teenage girl in a school uniform she had her earphones in and was texting someone. For a moment she looked up at me and smiled at me and looked back down to her phone. So I put my earbuds in and looked through my music I just ended up hitting shuffle play and  Fairy of Shampoo by TXT started playing. 

As I looked out the windows of the bus you could see the Cherry blossom trees and see the beautiful flowers all around It looked so picture perfect. Once I saw my stop and I stood to get off I saw some other people on the bus I wonder if they were interns here like me. I got off the bus very eagerly and looked down to see a 10,000 Won on the floor. What a lucky day for me! My Grandpa always said finding money and putting it in your pocket will bring you good luck. As I was walking towards the building I fell in love with everything around me all the Cherry Blossoms in the trees and the way they fell off the trees and blew in the wind made the air smell so beautiful. I waked inside of the building and over to the front desk so I could get directions on where to go. 

"Hi there my name is y/n I'm one of the new interns" 

"Hello there y/n welcome to SM come on over here let's take your picture so we can give you a badge" After she took my picture and but it with a special card. "The card is kinda a key you hold it up to the magnet next to the door and it will unlock most of the doors in this building." She said with a bright smile that made me feel warm and welcomed 

"Thank you so much! Now where do I go to find my assignment?"

"Oh and use that elevator and go up to the 4th floor and take a left and walk all the way to the end and you'll see a big office with a secretary outside there she will help you." 

"Oh okay thank you so much!" I walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the 4th floor. As soon as I walked off it I took a left like she said and I walked all the way down to the big office with a young women a little older than me was sitting outside. 

"Excuse me I hate to bother you but do you know where interns go?" I asked the her she was wearing an all black pant suit and she had long black hair pulled back into a low ponytail and her makeup was basic besides the fact that she had bright red lips.

"You're not bothering me at all" She replied with a smile

"What's your name?" She asked in a sweet yet deep voice

"Y/L Y/N"

She smiled at me and then said "Good luck you have a hard assignment"

"What is it?"

"You'll see follow me this way"She stood up and walked to the stairs leading to the basement. I was wondering why we aren't using the elevator but okay. We stopped in front of a glass door to see people practicing their dances I recognized one of the boys he was from NCT Dream I think his name was Renjun. 

"You're not incharge of them but come over here" She led me to a classroom where there was probably 27 boys sitting in desk 

"You're in charge of the boy trainees for right now until we add at least 3 of them to NCT." She said with a smile "You will be helping Mrs. Choi and Mr. Kim teach them English and much more things so they are prepared for debut" I smiled at her and walked inside and over to the two teachers there. 

I bowed "Hello my name is y/n and I'm here to help." Mrs. Choi giggled " Hello there y/n my name is Mrs. Choi and this is Mr. Kim. You can start by helping them learn some basic English before we get started on Japanese." I smiled and walked in front of the class and introduced myself and then taught some basic English to them and after that we moved onto Japanese. The boys were very much so well behaved and smart and kind. 

After teaching for 7 hours we finally got a lunch break I ate a fruit salad and drank some basic water. After lunch break Mrs. Choi walked me upstairs and we got back on the Elevator so I could go help with vocal lessons. After teaching for another 7 hours I was so tired and I had a headache. 

We finally get to go home and cool down. As I walked outside of the music room and downstairs to the main office I walked into this morning it was no longer sunny anymore there was still some light but it was covered by clouds and it was pouring so much rain and there was lightning and thunder.

"Wow what a long day to come out to this weather" I turned to see one of the guys I was working with in the vocal room. He was tall and handsome but he definitely wasn't my type. He had light brown hair and freckles and black glasses on. His outfit was nice I'll give him that it was a very nice suit with nice all black shiny shoes "yeah it was a nice day" I looked up and smiled at him 

"I never caught your name mines Noah" he held out his hand so I could shake it. "Mine is y/n" I shaked his hand "Well y/n I better get going my wife is waiting for me out in the car. Goodbye!" He then ran out the door before I could say goodbye or anything.

 As I stood there inside the building I realized the rain would never stop so I grabbed an Umbrella that was by the door. I'll just return it tomorrow to work as I ran outside I put in one of my headphones in and waited for my taxi I ordered since I missed the bus. As I was waiting a group of boys came out from the building I didn't pay any attention to them I just waited. 

I felt my phone buzz only to find out my ride cancelled on me so I guess I'm walking home. I started walking it was so cold and wet I just wanted to get home so fast. The group of boys from earlier must live by me because they were also going the same way as me. I stopped at a crosswalk and waited to walk across as I waited car came speeding by splashing water in my direction. I was pulled into a hug a warm hug from a tall stranger that stood in front of me as a shield to protect me from the dirty water coming in my direction. He looked way too familiar he was wearing black Air Forces with black joggers paired with a light gray hoodie and a baby blue bucket hat on. "Are you okay?" his voice sounded so cute and soft it was really adorable. "Yeah I'm fine but are you okay?" I replied with a giggle. He smiled and said "Yeah I'm okay"  

"I know we just met but my names y/n" he smiled at me again we were still hugging and I really don't know why but I liked it. "Well y/n my name is Taeyong."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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