🏫Chapter 2: The New Kid🏫

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Chloe drags you through multiple parts of the school, Sabrina following close behind, making sure to keep up.

It's all so..new, but surely after a while you'll get used to it all. There's quite a few students here, and they all look very different from one another..interesting.

"And here's some of the classrooms- Hey, are you listening to me?" Chloe turns to you, pouting slightly. 

You snap out of your dazed state, smiling sheepishly at her. 

"Sorry Chloe, zoned out for a bit there."

Chloe sighs, before leading the way again. "Just try to keep up please, okay?" 

"Yes ma'am." You smile, turning to Sabrina, making sure she can keep up too. But considering she's around Chloe a majority of the time, you're sure she won't have a problem keeping up.

After a bit more walking, and Chloe rambling on and on about certain spots, you stop a moment and turn your head to look towards what appears to be the art room (based on what you can see from the doorway). You stand still trying to get a better look, when someone bumps into you on accident, resulting in them falling down. You turn to face them. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going- I really need to pay more attention.."

You hold out your hand to the blue-haired person, offering to help them up. "It's alright, really. I got a bit distracted myself."

They smile and take your hand, standing up. After a second, you realize just how familiar they look.. VERY familiar. Wait a second..

"Wait, are you Marinette Dupain-Cheng?- As in Ladybug?"

"Oh, um- ..yes, that's me. I'm guessing you heard from the news yesterday? They certainly made it public fast.."

"Yeah, I did. Weren't you injured really badly yesterday? I thought you were hospitalized?"

"I was for a bit, but after Chat Noir used my earrings to save the day, it reversed the effects. So now my body's physically okay, at least." She stretches her arms to demonstrate. 

"I'm sorry about that happening to you. I know it'll be pretty stressful, dealing with all this.."

"..Yeah..it's going to be quite difficult.. um, what is your name?"

Oh shoot. You forgot to tell her your name!

"Oh! Right, I'm sorry." You introduce yourself formally, telling her your name. 

"It's nice to meet you. And as you know, I'm Marinette."

"So, are you new around here? I don't think I've seen you here before."

"Oh, yeah, I am. My friend Chloe's been showing me arou-"

You're cut off by the sound of Chloe shouting your name from a distance, rapidly approaching you...MENACINGLY!! (with Sabrina walking close behind her.)

"There you are! I started to wonder why you weren't saying anything- Don't run off like that, you'll get lost!" She crosses her arms, and you smile apologetically. 

"Um..hello, Chloe." Marinette waves to her, smiling a bit and Chloe pauses. 

"..Hello Dupain-Che- I mean..Marinette. Er.. are you..are you doing okay? After what happened yesterday, I mean. ..Heard you were hospitalized, and all." She stares down at the floor. 

You smile at this exchange. Sabrina smiles too.

"Well, um.. honestly I haven't felt the best mentally, since yesterday. But I'm trying not to let it bother me- ..I'd rather not be akumatized anytime soon." She smiles, and Chloe nods, knowing that she'd been akumatized quite a few times herself. ..And had caused quite a few akumatizations too.

"..I understand that." She clears her throat. "ANYWAYS- I see you've met my beloved friend here." 

"Oh, yeah, I accidentally bumped into him while exiting the art room- Um, just a heads up..I might end up doing that again sometime. I'm very clumsy.."

"I'll keep that in mind." You smile a little, taking note that it is, in fact, the art room. Definitely gonna come back here later..

"Now that all that's out of the way, I wanna continue my tour!"

"Alright, Chloe- um- Marinette, do you want to join us? If not that's okay, I'm sure you already know the layout of everything."

"What's your homeroom?" 

"Oh, I think it's Miss..Bustier? I think that was her name.."

"Oh, you'll be with us then! I'll join you, since I'll be going in the same direction as you to get to class anyway. ..If that's okay with Chloe-"

You turn to Chloe, who hesitates a moment, but then agrees. "Alright, but don't fall behind."

A few minutes pass, and eventually the tour ends, resulting in Chloe bringing you into the classroom. It seems class hasn't started yet thankfully, although you could've sworn you were out there a while.. 

Students chat amongst themselves, and you glance around at each of them. They seem to get along so well..will you be able to fit in here? 

Chloe grabs your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before going to sit down with Sabrina. You stand beside where they sit, since Miss Bustier hasn't entered the room yet to tell you where you can sit. 

Marinette sits with her best friend, while you glance around for empty seats. Seems the mainly empty seats are in the back..looks like you won't be able to sit near Chloe. Yay, anxiety!

While scanning over the group of students you'll be in class with for a good while, you notice one in particular sitting in the front row that you recognize all too well..

Adrien Agreste.

Blond hair, bright green eyes. You've seen advertisements with his face on them all around Paris. A famous model attending public school.. That Chloe still tends to have a huge crush on. 

You'd heard of him countless times from her, but you've never officially met in person. 

He notices you looking at him, and turns his head to say something when Miss Bustier enters the room. 

"Good morning everyone!" She smiles at everyone before turning to you. "Ah, you must be our new student, right?"

"Yep..that's me." You smile awkwardly, and she nods in response. 

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" 

"Er.." You look at everyone, contemplating. You're going to have to introduce yourself to them at some point anyway, might as well get it over with now, right?

"Alright, go right ahead whenever you're ready." She gives you a warm smile, and you step in front of everyone. They all seem to stop talking once you clear your throat, making you even more nervous. Jeez.. all eyes on you, huh?

"..Uh..Hi. I'm.." You tell them your name. "..I'm a new student here, and I'll be in class with you all from now on. It's nice to meet you all." 

You glance over them a moment, and you could swear you heard crickets chirping.

God, this is so awkward..

"It's nice to meet you." 

You turn your head to see Adrien smiling at you, as a few other students do as well. 

"It'll be nice to get to know each of you, if I can."

"Lovely introduction. Now, considering we have a seating arrangement set..you can sit in the back next to Nathaniel."

You look around and spot a red-haired boy raising his hand so you can find him, and you walk over to him, sitting down. 

"Hi, Nathaniel. It's nice to meet you." You smile, grabbing a notebook, your sketchpad, and some pencils. He smiles in return. 

"Nice to meet you too." 

The two of you make small random sketches, and chat a little bit about your interests in art. 

Miss Bustier begins her lesson, and things are peaceful for a while..

Until something is suddenly hit through the wall. 

(Debating Canceling)"So, the new Ladybug..is a boy?" Chat Noir/Adrien x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now