Chapter One: The Train Ride to Hogwarts

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Chapter One: The Train Ride to Hogwarts

Harry had just arrived at the train station boarding the Hogwarts Express for his 6th year of schooling. Ron and Hermione are already on the train and found a compartment to sit in. Poor Harry, he has to sit alone in a different compartment. Little did he know Draco Malfoy was in the same situation. All of the other compartments were already full of talkative students who were eager to get to school already.

Draco comes across Harry sitting all alone and decides to be a decent person for once and actually be nice to Harry. "Hello Potter." says Draco. "What do you want Malfoy?", Harry retorted. "Just wanted to actually be a nice person for once", he replied. Harry starts thinking to himself, 'Why is he being nice to me all of the sudden'.

They are about 4 hours away from Hogwarts and Harry and Draco have been silent for about an hour, so Harry decides to break the silence. "Hey Malfoy, why are you being nice to me all of the sudden? You used to hate me, ever since I chose to be friends with Ron and Hermione." Draco thinks for a minute and then casts a silencing spell on their compartment so people who pass by don't hear their conversation that they were about to have. Draco then speaks. "Harry, look, the only reason why I act mean to you is because I like you. I have had a crush on you for years and well, I took this opportunity to be nice to you because no one else is around us."

Harry takes in what Draco said and mutters "I like you too." "What" asks Draco. "I like you too Draco, I always have and I don't know if I can stop" Harry replies, looking Draco in the eyes. Draco starts to tear up because his all time crush likes him back. "Harry I want to be in a relationship with you but there is one problem with that". "What do you mean Draco?" Draco thinks before he speaks. "The problem is that I am a Slytherin, and you are a Gryffindor. We would have to act as if we hate each other and then sneak around to be with each other". "Not necessarily Draco, there is the Room of Requirement that we can use, and since you and I are heads of our houses we can talk to Dumbledore and have special permission to use the Room of Requirement at night so we can be together".

Draco got up and hugged Harry and whispered in his ear. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Harry replies. "Yes Draco". Draco then plants a kiss on Harry's forehead. "While you're at it, kiss me will ya", Harry retorted. While Draco was thinking Harry pulls him in and kisses Draco, and before they knew it the train was pulling into Hogwarts. "Draco, remember Dumbledore's office after supper". "Don't worry you bloke, I won't forget", says Draco in his arrogant ways.  

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