Chapter 1

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Welcome! Thank you so much for starting this story, I really hope you like it and continue reading past the first chapter. 

Also please, please don't be afraid to correct any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, I'm always looking to improve! Also please comment, I do need some entertainment!

There may be a few gruesome scenes but I doubt they're too bad (they also do swear a lot so if you don't like that, maybe leave).

Anyways, sorry if the story starts off a little slow, it will pick up after a few minutes, promise! Okay, I'll leave you to it now. Have fun!



The sound of soft chirping flowing from the window shaped hole in my wall filled my ears as I woke from the previous night's slumber. Yesterday was a good day, a good good day as I remember it. Mostly because I got to plant some more pretty flowers and trees that'll soon grow into majestic giants in the thick forest that surrounded me and my shelter. I also met a lovely little rabbit friend when I came back to my crops, who seemed to be looking for food. At least that is what I assumed since it was sniffing around my vegetable farm when I found it, taking small bites from my lettuce.

The soft light floating in from my window hole encouraged me to get started for the day ahead, motivating me to stand from my bed and get changed into my usual outfit of flowing, white material. Today I planned on watering my vegetables and collecting water from the stream for hydration and dinner later tonight.

My plan didn't seem too time consuming, it never did. But I usually managed to pad the day out with some kind of fun activity or something to distract me from my main tasks. I was well aware of how easily distracted I could be so I never gave myself many jobs in order to give me time to do what actually had to be done for my survival, at least once I remembered.

I was rather quick to get myself up and ready, 10 or so minutes. That meant that I had plenty of time to water my plants, and maybe even start growing new ones.

The hot sun beating down on me felt nice and warm as I slowly and carefully dripped water from my slightly ovular bowl onto the carrots I had been looking after for the past week. The world was as silent as ever, the only sounds surrounding me were the slight rustle of summer leaves blowing in the sweet breeze.

I was forever stuck in my own world, continuing the same days over and over again. Yet it felt nice knowing that everyday had the same structure, knowing that although some things may change, be that for better or for worse, everything will mostly continue as usual.

I was safe.

Safe from what? I didn't know, but ever since I was small it had been ingrained into me that there were dark creatures out there, creatures I didn't want to meet. Creatures I needed to fear.

The sweet melody I had been humming to myself was cut short, however. Cut short by running footsteps.

Usually this wouldn't concern me at all, in fact it would be welcomed and I would move to greet the animal with open arms. But these footsteps were those of a two legged animal. An animal that must walk like me. As far as I knew, I was the only one left of my kind. Two legged animals had never been within my earshot before, let alone approaching me and my house.

My hands stopped the tilting of my water bowl as I looked in the direction from which the sound was coming from. Whatever it was, it was coming closer and it seemed to have a pack alongside it.

Loud yells of gibberish filled the air as they communicated with each other, seemingly out of breath.

One particular set of legs were approaching my land faster than the others, only getting faster until the creature inevitably found the clearing and stopped. It observed my home, my crops, the place I had spent so long working on. It started walking closer and closer, looking around in seemingly awe until it looked in my direction. We made eye contact.

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