1: LA baby

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lynz POV:
as i wake up to my alarm going off. oh shit, its time to move. from this shitty town to LA. the place that ive been wanting to go to for a while now. i set up, stretch, and get out of bed lazily. i walk to the bathroom and close the door. i brush my teeth and sigh as i get done. i look at myself in the mirror.

damn, i guess i really am a disappointment. my phone then starts ringing. god, why this early? i walk over to my phone, groaning because i wasnt in the mood to talk. i pick up my phone and answer the call, not even looking at the name.

"no i don't want you to have my security number. im fine with my bank account as well." i said almost hanging up "wait what?" said jimmy. OH SHIT! its jimmy! god im a idiot! "jimmy?!" i yelled "uh yeah?"
jimmy said sighing "oh my god," i say relieved "all week ive been getting this telemarketers calling me for either my bank account information or my security number." i say laughing just a bit.

"what are you still doing over there? arent you gonna get your ass over here to LA or stay there like a pu-" he gets cut off by kitty "dont say it jimmy!" kitty yells

i laugh "well i'll see you at LA soon." i say smiling "okay. cya lynz"
"cya jimmy"
we said our goodbyes and hung up. i was so excited to move though. first i need a little caffeine to get me going.

coffee. check
clothes. check
bras and panties. check
paintings. check
art supplies. check
bass. check
makeup. check
and most importantly, hairbrush. check

i sigh as i spent an hour getting my stuff together. damn, i feel relieved but at the same time exhausted. i walk back to my bathroom to take a shower.

(time skip)

as i got done with my shower, i dry off with a towel and put on my clothes that i picked out. i then dry my hair and brush my teeth again as i had coffee. i put on my makeup. and my favorite part of it, red lip stick. i walk out of the bathroom and send jimmy a text saying "im about to leave. cya" and then grabbed my bags and out the door i went.

the world is ugly, but your beautiful to me (lynz x gerard)Where stories live. Discover now