Shook Hands with the Devil

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              The sky was dark, crickets could be heard and rain slammed down against the concrete outside of an open window. A figure appeared in the window, standing up straight and wiping away sweat from their forehead. The figure adjusted their hood, stepping over a body and walking over to a closet door. They opened the door, pausing momentarily before bending down in front of a box. Pulling a crumpled piece of paper out of their pocket, they opened it, trying not to rip it and read it over, trying to ignore the stench from the body that sat a few feet away from them. 
              The figure started spinning a dial on the box, three times to the left, twice to the right, and once to the left one more.  The door to the box opened, and the figure started to swipe the items inside, into a bag. Standing up they pulled a piece of fabric over their nose and stepped out of the room, walking down a hallway and down a set of stairs. reaching the bottom, they crouched beside a table stand. They peeked over to make sure nobody would be in range to see them. Turning around, they climbed out of the window above the table stand, being careful as to not break anything. As quietly as they could, they closed the window, thanking their luck for the window not making any noise as it shuts. 
             The person crouched back down and followed along the houseline, making their way to the back of the house and over a couple of fences. After making sure their bag was zipped and closed, they booked it to the tree line, hiding behind a tree and turning to make sure nobody had seen them. They began to walk through the trees, making their way over to a street where a car sat. Once outside of the car, they unlocked it and threw open the passenger door, tossing their bag inside. They walked around the front of the car, opening the driver's side door, and sitting down in the seat.
           Once the car door was closed they took off their hood and the fabric over their mouth and nose. Letting out a breath of air, they pulled down the sun visor and opened the flap to the mirror. Turning on the roof light, they checked themselves in the mirror, noticing a little splatter of blood trailing from the left side of their nose, all the way up to the right side of their forehead. The blood had managed to get into their hair as well. 
          Letting out an annoyed sigh, they reached out to their passenger seat, opening the glove compartment and pulling out a small package of baby wipes. Setting the package on their lap, they opened it and pulled the first wipe out, watching as the second wipe came into view and the first wipe detached itself from the white package. Looking back up to the mirror, they began to wipe the blood off their nose, slowly making their way up to their forehead and eventually dragging strands of their hair through the wipe.
         They closed the wipe package and tossed it back into the glove compartment, shutting the compartment they turned around in their seat and grabbed a Wal-Mart bag from the back. Tossing the bag into the passenger seat, they adjusted themselves to take off their hoodie, revealing the fact that they had a decent sized chest and a slim figure.
        They grabbed the plastic bag and shoved their bloody hoodie into it, plopping it back into the passenger seat and reaching back into the back seat to grab a white backpack. Opening it they pulled out a blue t-shirt then closed the bag again. They threw the bag back into the backseat along with the plastic bag. They pulled the t-shirt over their semi-clothed body and adjusted themselves to be more comfortable.
        The person looked back up into the mirror and adjusted their long , reddish-brown hair. Once they were comfortable with their look, they closed the mirror flap and lifted the sun visor back into its original spot. They lifted their hand to turn the roof light off and started their car, turning the low beams on and gently easing their right foot onto the brake peddle. They moved their right hand from the steering wheel to the gear shifter and shifted the gears into drive.
        Easing off the brakes they slowly and carefully turned the wheel to the left, moving their right foot over to the gas peddle and gently applying their foot to it. Starting off slow and repeatedly checking their left door mirror and over their shoulder, they pulled out of the spot they parked at, quickly yet carefully turning their wheel to the right once they pulled out far enough.  Once the wheel was turned as far as it could go, the person applied pressure to the gas,  turning their wheels to be straight again once they started forward. 
       Driving the speed limit of the neighborhood, they made their way to the entrance of the neighborhood, stopping at stop signs and checking to make sure no oncoming traffic would prevent her from going. Reaching the entrance, they flicked on their left blinker, checking both ways so they don't cause a wreck. With no oncoming cars from either side, they pulled out of the neighborhood, slowly speeding up to match the speed limit.

                                                              Thus, beginning their trip to LA.

   (965 Words.)

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