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Over the years

Years had passed on the warded island. Aurore had left back in 2024 and went to Britain. Of course she has been returning to see her parents quite often and when she wasn't here she wrote to them, telling them about her life there with James and Ginny, about her work in Gringotts Wizarding Bank as a curse breaker and other small parts of her life.

Many events have happened over the years. On 12th of September 2031 Aurore Malfoy (Black in front of everyone else) got engaged to James Potter, on that noone has been left suprised. Both of them had spent majority of their childhood together. They had been friends all life. And then after years they finally understood what they were truly feeling for each other. Seven months later in April 2032, they got married twice.

The first time was in the gardens of the manor with only Hermione, Ginny, Draco, the newlyweds, two witnesses - close and trustworthy friends to the couple and the Ministry worker - from the New Zealand's ministry - responsible for the Bonding part in the weddings. It was a small ceremony but that was for the best because if somebody has found out that the ex High Reeve and the surrogate Hermione Granger were still alive and that Aurore was a Malfoy and not a Black there are going to be so many people wanting to kill Draco and "save" Hermione.

The second one was in Britain with all of their friend and colleagues, and Ginny.

Another ten months later Aurore had came one morning with James to visit her parents and break the news to them, which were that the witch was pregnant and the young family is expecting twins - a boy and a girl.

The twins - Regulus and Narcissa - two beautiful little babies, who couldn't wait long enough and came out earlier than expected - 11th of August 2033 came to visit with their parents a month after they were born. The grandparents were so happy to see them.


After Lucius' using of Legillimens on Hermione while she was pregnant, her mind had been cracked one more time and part of her memories started to dissappear again.

In the beginning she was forgetting small things, for example Draco's mother's name. She began to write everything that poped on top of her mind in a notebook, so she can read it later and refresh her mind. After time had passed she was forgetting more and more of the war and her life before the war in Hogwarts. The red spots on the diagnostic spells were increasing through the years.

Draco was always there for her when the panic attacks came back. He always explained and reminded her with patient the things she had forgotten even though it was hard for him to watch her this way, for second time. Her magic was never the same as before and during the war. Her use of Dark Magic didn't help at all either.


July 2057

Which leads us to the present.

She still had some of her memories: her giving birth, the first time he was forced to rape her, vivid images of the Dark Lord, their daughter as a baby, some of her healing sessions with Draco during the war, Aurore's wedding, her childhood best friends - Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, taking care of Ginny while she was pregnant, blowing the Sussex lab, the ring burning when she was under Hogwarts in the sells, Aurore's visits and her grandchildren. The other parts were mostly of their recent exhibition on the warded island - with the man she loved.

She had been ill for over a week now. Her skin paler than usual. Her body even smaller and thinner than it was while in Malfoy manor. She became weaker and weaker everyday. For most of the day she stayed in bed with Draco, talking to him, memorizing him. They both knew what was going to happen either it was soon or later. But looking at it, it was clear that it would be soon.

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