Episode 5

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We stayed up talking for hours even longer than some of the Masters. At about 11 o'clock Master Windu came over to me, "Aris, I think it's time to retire, we've got a big day tomorrow," I nodded at him,

"Good night you guys!" I said to Violet and Obi-Wan, they, in turn, said good night too and I left, following Windu. We went out of the cafeteria in silence. Windu said good night to a Togruta Jedi as we went past,

"How was today?" he asked turning back to me. I smiled,

"It was soooo amazing!" Windu chuckled as we got to his door,

"Be up early tomorrow, I've got a big day planned," he said opening the door, "Good night, Aris."

I opened my door, "Good night, Master," I said, and we both stepped into our separate rooms.

I looked around the semi-dark room. I was lucky to be on the end. I got a window on side of my room. The window was big enough for a fully grown male to lie on and still have some room. It jutted out of the wall so it had a platform on the inside of it. I got changed into my night clothes; a plain, short, black dress with short pants underneath. It was easy to move in, so I could fight if I needed to but comfortable enough to sleep in. I lay down putting my lightsaber beside my bed.

I rolled onto my side... then my other side. Why couldn't I get comfortable!? I stood up and sat on the window. I looked out at the city-planet. There were still speeders and ships of all kinds zooming every which way, but I couldn't hear them through the soundproof walls. I leaned my head against the wall then I had the best idea, I could sleep here! I thought brushing my hand over the window sill. I quickly got up and pulled the small mattress, my blankets and pillow onto the sill and set them up. The sill was a lot wider and longer than the mattress but I didn't mind. I lay down and fell asleep, watching the number of vehicles get smaller and smaller.

-- NEXT DAY --

I woke up to a loud blaring. I got up and put my Jedi robe over my nightclothes and opened the door. People were rushing everywhere. Jedi Temple guards were running back and forth using the force and water to try and stop the fire. I saw Windu over with some other Jedi, I grabbed my lightsaber and ran over to him, "Master? What's happening?" He looked down at me, his face looked worried and though he tried to hide it I could sense his anxiety.

"The Jedi Temple is under attack," he said, obviously trying to stay calm, "The cafeteria was hit by a bomb!" I felt my jaw drop and a tiny gasp came out.

The librarian rushed over to us, "Master Windu! Come quick! There has been an injury!" I gasped again. Windu's anxious expression turned into a grim one,

"Padawan!" I looked at him, "Go get Doctor Nema, her room is on the 2nd floor," I stayed still, "Go!" he shouted before running off. I started running as well, but towards the turbo-lift. As I ran I spotted Obi-Wan standing with his Master. He noticed me and ran up to me,

"Where are you going?" he said, catching up easily,

"I'm going to get the doctor, there's been an injury." I slid into the turbo-lift quickly followed by Obi-Wan. I concentrated and waved my hand over the controls. It felt as if hundreds of tiny hands flew out of my hand and changed the '5' to a '2'. Obi-Wan looked at me, worried. He opened his mouth as if to say something but then closed it again. The doors closed and as they did I sensed worry turning over and over in Obi-Wan's stomach. The turbo-lift began to go down, "What is it?" I asked, not looking at him.

"What do you mean?" Obi-Wan cleared his throat, I shook my head and chuckled slightly,

"I can sense you worry Obi-Wan, what is it?" Obi-Wan's fists clenched,

"Do you think the 'injury' might be Violet?" he asked,

I scoffed, then sensed that Obi-Wan was hurt that I laughed at him. He turned to me, "Did you see her when you were running?" I thought back,

"No I didn't..." I said quietly. I cleared my thoughts about who it might be as the turbo-lift door's opened. There was a long corridor on the other side of the lift doors. Doors ran up and down the corridor. Medical droids and people were coming out of the rooms. Thankfully I had never had to come down to the medical wing. The people were bombarding us with questions. "Calm down, I said over the noise, there was an explosion on the fifth floor, it's being handled, we need Doctor Nema,"

A medical droid spoke up, "Room 333," he told us.

"Go back into your rooms," I told the people. They grumbled, stumbling back into their respective rooms as Obi-Wan and I sped down the corridor. We opened room 333 and watched as the doctor packed her things,

"I already know you're here because there was an injury," she said simply, "we must hurry," We ran down the now empty corridor and into the lift. I used the controls and we headed back to the 5th floor. We didn't speak the whole way up and when we got to the fifth floor the doctor pushed past us to get to Master Windu.

"Padawan!" I heard Windu yell, I ran over, "The injury was," he paused, "Violet"......

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